May 23rd 2011 has to go down as my breakthrough day as I was was privileged to encounter my “eureka” moment on God’s Love for me, actually All of us, in such a wonderful way. A perspective of God’s AMAZING, EVERLASTING LOVE that was hitherto unbeknownst to me. Friends, I will try and make this as brief as possible to enable a quick understanding.
1 john 4:15 – 21 will be my focal reference bible verses.
John was one of Jesus’ disciples and in his Gospel of John, he often referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” and I always imagined John being overtly showboating in his expression as to insinuate that Jesus loved him specially more than the rest of the disciple but upon reading more of his writings in 1st and 2nd john , I realized that he had come to a certain truth while being with Jesus; and that was God’s unconditional Love to us! NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!
It is John who wrote that memorable redemptive verse (john 3:16) to impress upon us God’s Love for us through Jesus Christ.
Prior to the coming of the Messiah, we were under the Law of Moses and the prophets, which was summed up in one sentence .Luke 22.37 – 40. And since Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets, He became it and thus instead of living under the law to please, serve and Love God, which we always fell short, we got the way, the truth and the life in believing in Jesus as our savior’s such John continues to emphasize on john 3:36 since by not believing in Jesus, we tell God that we are still under the Law.
Now in 1st john 4 : from verse 7 John helps us know that it is not in our own love towards God that we can please God but the inverse, God’s Love for us enables us to Love God and thus Please God. Wow!!!!Triple Wow!!!! Imagine that; verse 19:” We love because He first Loved us” and by understanding this Love that God grants all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, we make a statement to God that we accept His Love , and thus are no longer living in fear but in Love.
In doing so, in understanding God’s Love towards us, we are able to love our brothers; Summing up the law and the prophets as Jesus said – We Love God through believing in Jesus Christ and through His Love , we Love our neighbors’ and we love ourselves.
Apostle Paul understood this Love that God had lavished on us when he wrote in Romans 13: 8 – 10 and also Romans.
When I fully grasped this, I was in awe. Awe of God’s Love to me and I am overwhelmed.
God bless