Where golden light becomes the red,
And red becomes the white,
Burning with the zeal of love,
A land devoid of night,
Powering the universe
From star to distant star;
Consume the dross, O Ancient One,
Let no aberrance mar
All that belongs to You alone,
Created by Your word;
All that is seen and understood,
All hidden and unheard.
Consume the sin, O Ancient One,
Consign it to the night;
For us there’s oneness with our God,
The Everlasting Light.
No shadow dare exalt itself,
No darkness dare display,
Where God Eternal rules and reigns
The land of endless day.
Praise Him, all you heavenly host,
Praise Him, Sons of men.
Turn your faces toward the Son,
God’s “Yea” and His “Amen.”
Every little seam,
Every little seam
Sewn with the thread of life;
Every little seam
Joins the living stream
Flowing to the river of life
Let my life extol the living God,
The Father of all light.
From the ends of the earth through the universe,
Extol His mercy and might.
Forever is not long enough
To praise His glorious name,
The forever of forever
To shout His glory and fame.
O celestial court, throw down your crowns
‘Neath the ruler of the earth.
Living creatures, sing your songs
To the King of the universe.
o joy unspeakable, joy foretold,
Ever new and ever old,
Before the Father’s throne be bold
To lift your songs of praise
Angels in their glory
Can never touch the flame,
The fire, pure incandescence,
That burns within Your name.
Let them gaze in wonder,
In awe, as they proclaim:
“Holy God, though ever new,
Eternally the same.”
Frightened, frozen, fettered.
Those who seek to fight,
Numbed and gnawed and naked,
Those who choose the night.
But we are covered by His love,
Beneath His banner stand,
Hidden in the Rock above,
Sheltered by His hand.
Angels in their glory
Can never touch the flame,
The fire, pure incandescence,
That burns within Your name.
Let them gaze in wonder,
In awe, as they proclaim:
“Holy God, though ever new,
Eternally the same.”
Praise You beyond the highest heaven.
Praise You beyond the lowest depth.
Praise You for Your loving presence.
Praise You for Your judgments blest.
Praise You, sun and moon together.
Praise You, whirling wheels and stars.
Praise You, angel chorus sounding.
Praise You near and praise afar.
Children sing Your praises, Father.
Maidens praise You, holy Son.
Holy Spirit, we adore You.
Finish now what You have begun.
Started long ago, hallelujah,
When together we did sing,
Blessed Father, Son, and Spirit,
To You, O God, our praise we bring.
Praise Your holy name, hallelujah,
Praise Your holy name, hallelujah,
Praise Your holy name.
The Holy Spirit’s Song
Let the brush of angels’ wings
Never blind the eyes
Of those who see beyond the veil
To gaze at paradise.
Gaze on, gaze on past the golden rim,
Gaze on past streets of gold,
Gaze on past all created things
To the new One, ever old.
Ever old and ever new,
Ancient of Days is He.
Infinity within His hands,
Light eternally.
Compassionate God, He who is good,
Compassionate God of might,
Life as a river flows from Your throne
To those who turn from night.
Let the cherubim in awe,
The seraphim in praise,
As those who see beyond the veil,
Upon Him ever gaze.
Gaze on, gaze on past the golden rim,
Gaze on past streets of gold,
Gaze on past all created things
To the new One, ever old.
Adapted from "anna roundtree's" Heavens opened book.
(c) jazzkuria