Thursday, March 8, 2007

My Beloved Justice!

The Former Glory

Among the pillars you firmly stood!
Strong, Unyielding and just as good.
A foundation unto which all men ranked equal.
and in your eyes , every one you treated the same
Or so I thought
well Untill..the day your tenets demeaned to naught
Your vitues decayed and clot
and for a few pennies you could be skewed and cassually bought
Now your beams keep rotting away
and day by day
it gets hard for me to say
...I knew you!

The Consequenses

How sadness has become a mind's habitual
yielding men as prey
Faith and Hope the subsides into frozen anonymity
While your kind deny its own identity
Falling into the common drift
..A Society's misfit!

To the poor and the legally oppressed
To the souls that cry out seeking recompesse

The Manifest

Your Executive-stained glasses blurs your vision
For you to see the hurt
The wrongs you need revert
To blow the Horn of Truth
You now desert!
You cling to your priviledged Masters
Them who hold you as a puppet for the own conniving whims
as the stomachs fill to the brims
The ill-gotten wealth from the public coffers!

The call to Life

I cry out for you My Beloved Justice
I cry to you..
To rise once more and bring Honour to the fore!
To renew your Youth like the dew-kissed dawn
soothing the charred edges amongst us
with the abrasive of your discipline..,
and the guidance of your wisdom!

I cry for the redeeming light
to begin to thaw
your ice-caged , calloused heart
To make you speak a blessing
To whom you had previously sown a curse
To spur the change
And bring to Life a Hope we've long envisaged!

The Dream we have of you

Then your healing Fountain will trickle down its waters
and cleanse the tarnished ground onto which we stand
Begin to Charter
The Template that paves unto us another..
The Citizens' Right!
Everyone's Requisite!
Justice for All
Equal among All!

I cry out for you My Beloved Justice!



based primarily on the theme "HAKI" to feature on the monthly arts n poetry forum "WaPI"
on march 10th at British council at Upper Hill form 10am-3pm.
Entrance is Free!

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