Thursday, May 24, 2007


You once told me that boundless optimism Is only for dreamers
Do my efforts evoke from you a compliment? Or just a wayward sentiment?
I’d cherish to warn the hearts of the your adoring kindred without the need to rub the magic ball with my nonchalant efficacy
…but Here I toil in your absence.
Searching for one bit if this life of mine that makes sense!
I’d wish you wouldn’t be to me so condescending with my chances that I bring to you in begging
But its up to me to interpret that the lull before the storm should be my guiding light to my way home
So I pray you receive me with open arms and make me shine more with your loving touch!


YoUNG roMan!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Poet Robert Frost once said,'nothing gold can stay'.

Robert Kuria defied logic because eternally inprints of life's simple but essentiall traits will be left for us to cherish.He wasnt someone to impress on first-impressions-type-of situations but to me he will be rememberd for the abudant love he showed towards his family i.e my family and for the countless things he taught me,surprisingly not through words but mere actions.Though without not his share of imperfections,it encourages me to know he died trying.... trying to maintain our & his pride,trying to hustle and most importanty,trying to love.

Robert John Philip Kuria

*short euology by David W. Kuria



Who’s to deny the clamour?
A mind hallowed with mixed anger
no wonder my soul’s vexation of a deeper and painful proportion
The world in my mind crammed and peopled with creatures and desires of its own imagination.
Blanking the absurd reality which lacks form and direction
Perceivable in my own ideallyic way.

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!

The obscured light adds to my distress
Its pale –blue rays onto my eyes and path fail to impress
And now the silenced gloom wells up in my heart.
My lfe’s bearings squashed and scattered on the dump earth
My present split apart!
I graon into my future.Come!

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!

Clamp me; Hold me close to your loving bosom
Capture my tears in your gentle embrace
Blow the scales from my eyes and help me fathom
The meaning of a true friend!
The power of a simple prayer!
The love of an eternal God!

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!




The Source! Of the blinding lustre of the midnight stars
That declares its presence
The sheer dominance and the daring beauty!
Capturing the human heart ; old and young alike and mine in particular!
My eyes dwell, looking up and smile these endearing white diamonds
which perch themselves across the warm April skies
as I enjoy the bond they share with the peeping moon…

who can deny that love fills my heart.
And my feelings for you sinks even deeper
And in the moment, my soul is sustained with the whisper in the breeze;
Caressing my face .your countenance I adore!
I close my eyes …yet you manage to steal my abiding teardrop;
Absorbing it in your earthly formed dust beneath my feet.
We connect!
I notice the warmth of your touch
I wish you close..
Yet you couldn’t be to me even more closer!

You’ve always been.
I don’t want to move!
I wish to stand here and share this forever….
Then my lips gently speaks
And my knees instantly grow weak
Yes! I’ve grown and I’m a man enough to say and understand
That now more than ever…..
“I love you”
“I truly fallen more in love with you today..”
As surely as the light is to the day
I pledge and pray
I’ll be yours till eternity gives up on its promise of being forever!
I surely can never deny
I’ve fallen in love with you Jesus
Thank you for dying for me and giving me the gift of life and salvation!