Thursday, May 3, 2007



Who’s to deny the clamour?
A mind hallowed with mixed anger
no wonder my soul’s vexation of a deeper and painful proportion
The world in my mind crammed and peopled with creatures and desires of its own imagination.
Blanking the absurd reality which lacks form and direction
Perceivable in my own ideallyic way.

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!

The obscured light adds to my distress
Its pale –blue rays onto my eyes and path fail to impress
And now the silenced gloom wells up in my heart.
My lfe’s bearings squashed and scattered on the dump earth
My present split apart!
I graon into my future.Come!

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!

Clamp me; Hold me close to your loving bosom
Capture my tears in your gentle embrace
Blow the scales from my eyes and help me fathom
The meaning of a true friend!
The power of a simple prayer!
The love of an eternal God!

Somebody help me!
Anybody please!


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