Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hey Girls..THis is to You!

Consistency is not behaving the same way all the time, It is behaving the same way under similar circumstances.


Patience! I beg of you to bear
In kindness with tender loving care
Extend it to us
For our Innocence is marked as ignorance
Our natural dispositions exalted more than our propensities
and being a man sometimes gets in our own way
You are still girls and in our world
you deserve more than diamonds and pearls
that much we know , but also
where our words fall short
our thoughts of you suffices
where our actions fail to play
our hearts pays the sacrifice
and where our realities hides in fantasies
our novice loving still to you, entices

So we ask?

what is wrong yet acceptable?
when is you NO sometimes YES?
help us decipher and not guess..
When is "still and quiet" read "seething mad"?
How does happy becomes not glad?
plz come translates go away
sit with me but don't talk
stay away but don't stray!
Help us understand your folk!

Secrets,Insights,..anything?I beg of you to share
For men are just small babies trapped in big bodies
and I'm one with no apologies

Can I take a journey thru your mind
and sort out stuff that makes me blind?
For my clues about you sometimes ain't true
and now i'm feeling worn out and blue
and this ain't cool cuz I see u as my only boo.


Can that be loud enough?
so please don't go running around to your friends
saying this and that about my loose endz
but take time and help a brutha out
for our milestone will be made
with just simple advice
that won't despise
but will sympathize and empathize
to teach some dude called jazz!



*(The thoughts and views expressed in the piece above are not exclusively the writer's own but of countless of bruthaz out there who feel women aren't that complicated but our knowledge about them is extremely underrated!)

1 comment:

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