Sunday, March 7, 2010

When God cries

He who made the will gave it to us , His precious sons and daughters , freely.
He who made us out of the abundance of His Love, gave us the breathe of life to manifest His Glory with His Free will.

When we were yet to be born, as infant spirits, He beheld us in the comforts of His Heavenly dwellings.
As one, then we divinely agreed to go into the world to become the physical expression of Him.
Being God, He gave us the liberty to choose to become Him on earth through the Holy Spirit within us.
Conversely, to fail to become this truth, the opposite would hold true and become a reality. i.e. We would choose to become who He is not and hence we would be who we are not by the denial of the Holy spirit in our lives; the guide of God in our hearts that our souls know very well.

With this foreknowledge, God understood we would not remember the “agreement” we had made once we become flesh and enter into the world and to this end, He sent His Only Son. To re-mind us who we were before we became. To bring us back into remembrance. “To re-member us” i.e. to attach us back to the original; In spirit as we dwell here on earth. Being God on earth in order to manifest His will, our will on earth, as it is in Heaven. And Jesus came and showed us the way and the truth and the life albeit at a very high cost. And so we re-membered. We became to Know again. We got “saved” from our unknowing and we became new creatures through this good news. The stuff of dreams, I tell you! That we were not ordinary people , but a Royalty. Kings and Queens in the Kingdom of God.

He who was. And Is , and Is to come, became man to makes us gods through the knowledge of His Spirit here on His earth. What a wonder!
And this is the truth! He even swore that He will never leave us nor forsake us until the end of time. We win!

But God cries…

When after everything He has said, He has done to us, He continues to speak silently into our hearts everyday, From sending us angels , from singing to us through His songs to woe us back, Lighting up the days and starring up the nights, faithfully beckoning the majesty of His beauty in every flower, river, mountain top, valley low, every animal, the birds of the air, the four seasons and even the rainbow. And if that is not enough , He died to see us through this remembrance that whoever believes may not perish but have everlasting life.

But with that free will ,we can deny Him and thus deny ourselves; who we are truly are and consciously choose who we are not. And continue making that decision every day. And the precious gift becomes a curse, in an instant!

So God cries…

He cries for us. But for each tear shed, His call to us becomes even louder.


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