Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Want to help people discover their passion? To do that, John C.Maxwell's ask these questions:
  • What do you sing about?
  • What do you cry about?
  • What do you dream about?
The first two questions speak to what touches you at a deep level today. The third answers what will bring you fulfillment tomorrow. The answers to these questions can often help people discover their true passion.
While everybody can possess passion, not everyone takes the time to discover it. And that’s a shame. Passion is fuel for the will. Passion turns your have-to’s into want-to’s. what we accomplish in life is based less on what we want and more on how much we want it. The secret to willpower is what someone once called wantpower. People who want something enough usually find the willpower to achieve it.
You can’t help people become winners unless they want to win. Champions become champions from within, not from without


Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

what if, metaphorically speaking... you have no passion? you do things you love but your just not passionate about it. for example, inside your heda you realllllly want to play piano with all your heart you just hate every practice, every lesson, every note? what then?