Peace! I speak unto my weary soul;
Our Mighty God is in control.
Remember His lasting faithfulness,
And joy in that assuring gladness;
Pay little attention to the cumbersome life sideshows,
Rather indulge wholeheartedly upholding His eternal laws;
Hard as it may,keep pressing on-
The battle's already won.
Say to the Lord
You are to me more than silver & gold
And shout for your victory.
For your burden will soon become history.
Peace! I speak to you my weary soul,
Our Mighty God is in control.
04.12.2010 1321hrs
Inspired by the anxiety sorrounding my imminent big break job switch.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Change your thinking, change your life? By John C. Maxwell
Can changing your thinking really change your life? Consider this: I’ve studied successful people for forty years, and though the diversity you find among them is astounding, I believe they are all alike in one way: how they think! That is the one thing that separates the successful from the unsuccessful.
The good news is that it’s possible to learn how to think like a successful person. But before we can learn from a good thinker, we need to know what they look like. You often hear someone say that a colleague or friend is a “good thinker,” but that phrase means something different to everyone. To one person it may mean having a high IQ, while to another it could mean knowing a bunch of trivia or being able to figure out whodunit when reading a mystery novel.
I believe that good thinking isn’t just one thing. It consists of several specific thinking skills. Becoming a good thinker means developing those skills to the best of your ability. In Built to Last, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras describe what it means to be a visionary company, the kind of company that epitomizes the pinnacle of American business. They describe it this way:
A visionary company is like a great work of art. Think of Michelangelo’s scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or his statue of David. Think of a great and enduring novel like Huckleberry Finn or Crime and Punishment. Think of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony or Shakespeare’s Henry V. Think of a beautifully designed building, like the masterpieces of Frank Lloyd Wright or Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. You can’t point to any one single item that makes the whole thing work; it’s the entire work—all the pieces working together to create an overall effect—that leads to enduring greatness.
Good thinking is similar. You need all the thinking “pieces” to become the kind of person who can achieve great things. I believe that those pieces include eleven skills, which I’ve listed below. After each is a question you can ask yourself to measure your own thinking:
1. Cultivate Big-Picture Thinking
Am I thinking beyond myself and my world so that I process ideas with a holistic perspective?
2. Engage in Focused Thinking
Am I dedicated to removing distractions and mental clutter so that I can concentrate with clarity on the real issue?
3. Harness Creative Thinking
Am I working to break out of my “box,” exploring ideas and options, so I can experience creative breakthrough?
4. Employ Realistic Thinking
Am I building a solid foundation on facts so that I can think with certainty?
5. Utilize Strategic Thinking
Am I implementing strategic plans that give me direction for today and increase my potential for tomorrow?
6. Explore Possibility Thinking
Am I unleashing the enthusiasm of possibility thinking to find solutions for even seemingly impossible problems?
7. Learn from Reflective Thinking
Am I regularly revisiting the past to gain a true perspective and think with understanding?
8. Question Popular Thinking
Am I consciously rejecting the limitations of common thinking in order to accomplish uncommon results?
9. Benefit from Shared Thinking
Am I consistently searching the minds of others to think “over my head” and achieve compounding results?
10. Practice Unselfish Thinking
Am I continually considering others and their journey in order to think with maximum collaboration?
11. Rely on Bottom-Line Thinking
Do I stay focused on the bottom line so that I can gain the maximum return and reap the full potential of my thinking?
Based on your answers to the questions, where are you strongest? In what kind of thinking do you need to grow? Develop in any of those areas, and you’ll become a better thinker. Master all that you can—especially the process of shared thinking, which helps you compensate for your weak areas—and your life will change.
For specific guidance on developing as a good thinker, my book, How Successful People Think, devotes a chapter to each of the above skills. A companion workbook is also in the works.
The good news is that it’s possible to learn how to think like a successful person. But before we can learn from a good thinker, we need to know what they look like. You often hear someone say that a colleague or friend is a “good thinker,” but that phrase means something different to everyone. To one person it may mean having a high IQ, while to another it could mean knowing a bunch of trivia or being able to figure out whodunit when reading a mystery novel.
I believe that good thinking isn’t just one thing. It consists of several specific thinking skills. Becoming a good thinker means developing those skills to the best of your ability. In Built to Last, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras describe what it means to be a visionary company, the kind of company that epitomizes the pinnacle of American business. They describe it this way:
A visionary company is like a great work of art. Think of Michelangelo’s scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or his statue of David. Think of a great and enduring novel like Huckleberry Finn or Crime and Punishment. Think of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony or Shakespeare’s Henry V. Think of a beautifully designed building, like the masterpieces of Frank Lloyd Wright or Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. You can’t point to any one single item that makes the whole thing work; it’s the entire work—all the pieces working together to create an overall effect—that leads to enduring greatness.
Good thinking is similar. You need all the thinking “pieces” to become the kind of person who can achieve great things. I believe that those pieces include eleven skills, which I’ve listed below. After each is a question you can ask yourself to measure your own thinking:
1. Cultivate Big-Picture Thinking
Am I thinking beyond myself and my world so that I process ideas with a holistic perspective?
2. Engage in Focused Thinking
Am I dedicated to removing distractions and mental clutter so that I can concentrate with clarity on the real issue?
3. Harness Creative Thinking
Am I working to break out of my “box,” exploring ideas and options, so I can experience creative breakthrough?
4. Employ Realistic Thinking
Am I building a solid foundation on facts so that I can think with certainty?
5. Utilize Strategic Thinking
Am I implementing strategic plans that give me direction for today and increase my potential for tomorrow?
6. Explore Possibility Thinking
Am I unleashing the enthusiasm of possibility thinking to find solutions for even seemingly impossible problems?
7. Learn from Reflective Thinking
Am I regularly revisiting the past to gain a true perspective and think with understanding?
8. Question Popular Thinking
Am I consciously rejecting the limitations of common thinking in order to accomplish uncommon results?
9. Benefit from Shared Thinking
Am I consistently searching the minds of others to think “over my head” and achieve compounding results?
10. Practice Unselfish Thinking
Am I continually considering others and their journey in order to think with maximum collaboration?
11. Rely on Bottom-Line Thinking
Do I stay focused on the bottom line so that I can gain the maximum return and reap the full potential of my thinking?
Based on your answers to the questions, where are you strongest? In what kind of thinking do you need to grow? Develop in any of those areas, and you’ll become a better thinker. Master all that you can—especially the process of shared thinking, which helps you compensate for your weak areas—and your life will change.
For specific guidance on developing as a good thinker, my book, How Successful People Think, devotes a chapter to each of the above skills. A companion workbook is also in the works.

Change the World, by first plugging-in NOW!
Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day’s work absorb your entire energies, and satisfy your widest ambition.
- Sir William Osler
Everything in life happens for a reason. We all seem to agree with that statement. It is however important to know that it is not a priority for us to know why it is happening at that particular moment in time. The most important of all is to plug-in completely, whole-heartedly & unreservedly in that moment. Live in the moment as opposed to for the moment for nothing in life occurs by chance. In cognition of this, the reason will reveal itself to you in due time & in that moment you will realize that you were experiencing that situation to equip you to one day, change the world!
- David Wainaina Kuria
What to do when you feel alone? Call on God! (Excert "Friendship with God)

What you can do if you are imagining that you are alone is to come to Me.
Come to Me in the depths of your soul. Talk to Me from your heart. Companion with Me in your mind. I will be with you, and you will know it.
If you have been making daily contact with Me, this will be easier. Yet even if you have not, I will not fail you, but be with you the moment you call to Me. For this is My promise: Even before you call My name, I will be there.
That is because I am always there, and your very decision to call My name merely elevates your awareness of Me.
Once you are aware of Me, your sadness will leave you. For sadness and God
cannot exist in the same place, because God is Life Energy, turned up as high as it will go, and sadness is Life Energy turned down.
Therefore, when I come to you, do not turn Me down!
Every time you have a hunch about something and ignore it, you turn Me down.
Every time you receive an offer to put an end to bad feelings, or cease a conflict, and ignore it, you turn Me down.
Every time you do not return the smile of a stranger, walk under the awesome wonder of a night sky and don’t look up, pass a flower bed without stopping to behold its beauty, you turn Me down.
Every time you hear My voice, or feel the presence of a departed loved one, and say it’s just your imagination, you turn Me down.
Every time you feel love for another in your soul, or feel a song in your heart, or see a grand vision in your mind, and do nothing about it, you turn Me down.
Every time you find yourself reading just the right book, or hearing just the right sermon, or watching just the right movie, or running into just the right friend, at Just the right time in your life, and write it off to coincidence or serendipity or “luck,” you turn Me down.
And I tell you this: before the cock crows three times, some of you will deny Me.
How to Help God (excerpt from "Friendship with God" CWG books)

Now here is how you can help God. Live your life deliberately, harmoniously, and beneficially. These three ways of living you can accomplish by using the gifts I have given you: creative energy, gentle wisdom, and pure love.
Creative energy has been placed by Me in your entire being, and in everything that proceeds from it. Thoughts, words, and deeds are the Three Tools of Creation. When you know this, you can choose to be the cause of your experience, rather than being at the effect of it.
Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. When you are aware of this, you can live your life deliberately. The things you think, you think deliberately. The things you say, you say deliberately. The things you do, you do deliberately.
When you do something and people say, “You did that deliberately!” it will not be an accusation, but a compliment.
Everything you do, you do on purpose—and your purpose in every moment of your life is, indeed, to live the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. When you use creative energy, you help God be more of what God is, and seeks to experience of Itself.
Gentle wisdom has been placed by Me in your soul. When you use this gift, you live harmoniously in any situation. Your very Being is harmony itself.
Harmony means feeling the vibration of the moment, of the person, place, or circumstance you are now experiencing, and blending with it. Blending does not mean matching. Singing in harmony does not mean singing in unison. It does mean singing together.
When you sing in harmony, you change the way the entire song is sung. It
becomes a new song, a different song. This is the song of the soul, and there is none more beautiful.
Bring a gentle wisdom to your moments. Watch it change them. Watch it change
You have that gentle wisdom within you. I have placed it there, and it has never left you. Call on it in times of difficulty and stress, in times of decision or enmity, and it will be there. For when you call on it, you call on Me. When you use gentle wisdom, you help God be more of what God is, and seeks to experience of Itself.
Pure love has been placed by Me in every human heart.
It is that which I Am, and which You Are. Your heart is filled with this love to overflowing. It is bursting. Your whole Self is permeated by it. It is composed of it.
Pure love is Who You Are.
When you express pure love, you give yourself the direct experience of Who You Are. It is the greatest gift. It looks as if you are giving a gift to others, and you are giving it to your Self. That is because there is no one else in the room. It only looks as if there is. Pure love allows you to see the truth.
When you come from a place of pure love, you live a life that is beneficial to
everyone. You make sure that everyone benefits from your having been here. “Kindness” becomes an important word to you. Suddenly, you understand its deeper meaning.
Kindness means not only goodness, it means sameness. You realize when you live in pure love that you and all others are of “like kind.” You are truly kin, and now, suddenly, you see that when you express pure love you are expressing kindness.
This is what it means to be a kin-dred spirit. This is what it is to know a Oneness with all things. And when, in any circumstance or situation, you use pure love, you help God be more of what God is, and seeks to experience of Itself.
You help God when you help yourself to God. So have a big helping. Help yourself to as much of God as you like. For this is the food of life, by which all things are nourished.
Take, and eat of this, for this is My body.
You are all members of that One body. And it is time, now, to re-member.
I would not tell this to you if it were not so.
This is the greatest truth, so help Me God.
Mind Vs. Heart - The conversation

In the abruptness of life precious moments, when I am entangled with the busyness of my mind,
My Heart begins to call…
“When is my turn going to come?” “When are going to let me be your light?”
(Be my light? Your turn?)
Heart Continues: “You keep running ; reasoning and questioning, keeping the mind first”!
“When are you going to let me help you?”
“I am Here!” – “Speaking to you with my feelings”.
“relaying to you honest answers to your deep inquisitions.But you rarely
let me guide you.I have always been here , ready to help you, help us make way through the maze but…”
Heart continues: “…But you seldom do; save the moments when its all said and done that you vow to start listening to me”.
(Guilt feelings start welling up in me)
“That’s the soul sharing my pain and gently letting you know”
“ Its okay ; I understand. But if there is one thing I may ask of you to promise me…..”
(But I do)
“Yes, But not Always”
(I am Serious)
“Trust me. For I know you”
(Okay. I will try)
“Don’t try. Trust Me”.
“Don’t think about trusting me.Thats the mind telling you about me. Let me tell you about me, which is you.Always and in All ways.God lives here and when I say that I know you; Trust Me, I know You!”
“So promise to trust me?”
Thank you.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Be still and Know that I am God"

Hi Friends, I saw this interesting article by Jason Jackson and thought I share it with you.see more on the link provided.Regards and God Bless.
“If you were running for your life, would it matter?” That was General Odum’s motto; he learned to put everyday problems into perspective, weighing them against his World War II experiences. Captured by Rommel’s infamous Afrika Korps, Odum later escaped when the German plane transporting him and other prisoners of war was shot down by Allied Forces over France. After a month of hiding and dodging Nazis, the skin-and-bones Odum finally met up with friendly troops. He learned what few things really matter when you’re running for your life.
Where do you run to when you need a safe place to hide? I’ve never had to hide like General (this was his name, not his rank); most of us haven’t. But whether we realize it or not, a greater threat is here. Life in the flesh is a perilous time, because greater than any physical danger is the demoralizing presence of our adversary, the devil. Remember Peter’s warning: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). [All Scripture references are from the ESV unless otherwise noted.]
In addition to the sin-danger with which men flirt to the point of madness, one’s world can fall apart instantly. The English poet Alfred Tennyson felt the common plight when he wrote, “Never morning wore to evening, but some heart did not break.” If your world falls apart, to whom shall you go? As the steady North Star provides orientation in darkness, so the forty-sixth Psalm is higher ground for the worn soul seeking refuge.
The Psalm Introduced
Psalm 46 divides into three sections as indicated by the contemplative selah after each group of verses. In the first section (vv. 1-3), there is an opening declaration that God is our refuge and strength; therefore, the Lord’s people need not fear even in the bleakest of circumstances, illustrated by a crumbling earth and turbulent sea that surrounds and threatens God’s people. In the second part (vv. 4-7), the city of God is the calm in the storm. The nations surge, hostilities rage, but the voice of Jehovah subdues them.
The refrain expresses the rationale for hope when there is none: “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (v. 7). The last part (vv. 8-11) invites the people of God to consider God’s past interventions in the affairs of men as solid evidence of his abiding presence, again concluding with the encouraging affirmation, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (v. 11). He marshals the armies (i.e., “hosts”) of heaven to do his bidding; he is the true God who involved himself in Jacob’s life, providing gracious blessings and protection to the fulfillment of his promises. Thus, he is the God who is willing to use his power on behalf of his people to fulfill the gracious promises that he has made. He is with us!
The Psalm Investigated
If you love Psalm 23, you’ll love Psalm 46. J. Clinton McCann Jr. noted the similarities between these psalms—a soul-stirring thread—when he wrote: “Like Psalm 23, the fundamental affirmation of Psalm 46 is the assurance of God’s presence” (1993, 136). How we cherish the knowledge of his presence; many of our hymns reflect the treasured thought, “God with us” (“A Wonderful Savior,” “A Mighty Fortress,” “Rock of Ages,” etc.).
The reader should understand much of the Old Testament language and background of this psalm, and an extensive line-by-line consideration of such will have to remain unexplored in this present study. Such a neglect here does not reflect a lack of appreciation for the general historical context and rich Hebrew poetry that characterizes this psalm. However, this ancient poem, given and preserved by God, fittingly describes issues that transcend the dispensations and are relevant to men of every age. This study will focus upon such matters. Just as the prophet announced for God, “For I, Jehovah, change not; therefore ye, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6, ASV), we realize that the God of Jacob is with us—Christians. Rather than alter our view on Psalm 46, the New Testament enhances our appreciation of the vivid truths revealed in this great psalm.
Our Confidence
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (v. 1, ASV). He, and he alone, is the ultimate security. He is exceedingly ready and available for us in trouble—in practice, not in mere theory. Paul motivated Christians to pursue heavenly things: “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). There is no other place like it; nothing comes close. Trouble will find you, so flee to the fortress of souls.
Since God is the one to whom we can flee—who protects us without and strengthens us within—we will not fear. The defiance of faith in uncertainty and peril is justified, because God is with us: “Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth do change, and though the mountains be shaken into the heart of the seas; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains tremble with the swelling thereof” (vv. 2-3, ASV).
Observe the words “change,” “shaken,” “roar,” “troubled,” and “tremble.” The situation is desperate since the earth appears to be on the brink of destruction. The figures describe the worst-case scenario; the most dreaded thing is happening. Even if the world should crumble beneath our feet, we will not wonder: “Has God forsaken us?” In fact, we will not fear; he is with us. The psalm admits that the Lord’s own are not immune from trouble (cf. Hebrews 5:8-9). We live in an unstable world, an environment hazarded by sin’s curse. He sustains us in the midst of trouble, and that is what a person needs to know as he lives with a view toward better days.
Our Calmness
Abruptly, a surreal tranquility is painted by words of calmness and confidence: “There is a river, the streams wherefore make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High” (v. 4, ASV). In contrast to the chaos, there is the calm, pure river, which is the source from which the streams (i.e., canals) irrigate, bring life, and add beauty in the very city of God—the place of his tabernacles (note the plural “dwelling places”). His presence is like the river—life-giving and sustaining. Naturally, since he is the Most High (cf. 97:9).
Those who reside in God’s city (i.e., in a covenant, saved relationship with God) are blessed because he is there: “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God will help her, and that right early” (v. 5). Or to express the thought in another way, “No water can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies.”
Unparalleled stability results from the abiding presence of God. Therefore, gladness characterizes God’s city, even though nations topple around her because of foreign aggression. If she trusts in him, if she is faithful to him, she shall not be moved. What can he do? “He uttered his voice, the earth melted” (v. 6).
The psalmist’s confidence may stem from recent manifestations of God’s awesome presence and intervention. A. F. Kirkpatrick was convinced that Psalm 46 celebrates the delivery of Jerusalem when 185,000 Assyrian corpses littered the environs of Jerusalem—thanks to the Angel of Jehovah. He wrote, “The miraculous deliverance of Jerusalem from the army of Sennacherib in the reign of Hezekiah (B.C. 701) may be assigned as the occasion of these Psalms [i.e., 46, 47, 48], with a probability which approaches certainty” (1906, 253).
Albert Barnes appeared equally convinced, but less emphatic (1950, 40). In actuality, the Bible relates many interventions of the Lord on behalf of his people, including 2 Kings 19. These “intrusions” reveal that the true and living God has made his presence felt for his people; accordingly, the point that he is not far from us has been substantiated on numerous occasions since the beginning of time (cf. Acts 17:27-28; Romans 15:1-5). We may not know with certainty the immediate circumstances behind this psalm, but we do know, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
Our Conviction
Psalm 46 not only affirms the reality of God’s presence, it also invites men to behold the evidence: “Come, behold the works of Jehovah, what desolations he hath made in the earth” (v. 8). He has broken the weapons of war; he rules in the kingdoms of men. The plagues of Egypt, the walls of Jericho, the victories of Gideon, the defeat of Goliath, the fiery furnace, Daniel’s lions, and scores of other divine manifestations are a testimony to the fact that God, who does not change, has the same concern for us today as he had for his children of former days.
Our most important consideration, however, is not our skin—it’s our soul. More important than our biological life is our spiritual life (cf. Matthew 10:28). This world is not all there is nor all that matters. When sin takes hold of us, or circumstances overwhelm us, it is God to whom we must flee. Run to him in your heart and mind—what you know of God, heaven, eternity, and judgment. Hope will sustain you in the darkest hour.
The Psalm Incorporated
If we adopt the thinking of Psalm 46, should we expect a miraculous deliverance from trouble? No. First, God does not need to work a miracle to help us in trouble. Second, the miracles of the past continue to teach us (cf. John 20:30-31); their repetition is unnecessary for the accomplishment of his will. Trust in him, believe in him, for the Lord has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Do you believe him?
You also must “come, behold the works of the Lord” (v. 8). Come, behold the baby of a virgin; come, behold the daughter of Jairus; come to the tomb of Lazarus; come to Gethsemane; come, behold the crown of thorns; behold the empty tomb. Jesus Christ has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (2 Timothy 1:10). “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6).
Isn’t that what we want to know? That if the world falls apart, if the unthinkable happens, in the end we’ll be saved? Paul, in a Psalm 46 frame of mind, says also, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:31-32). Significantly, neither the psalmist nor Paul were students of Campbell, Stone, or McGarvey; but, contrary to the voices of change that necessary inference is a modern invention, both inspired writers invite us to draw necessary inferences about God’s love and presence in our lives based on what God has done in the past.
Thus, calm confidence should adorn God’s people—no matter what. “Be still, and know that I am God” (v. 10, ASV). God’s people are commanded to “be still.” The imperative gives a solemn duty to those in a covenant relationship with God (cf. Galatians 3:26-29). The duty represents a spiritual disposition that ought to characterize those to whom God’s unfailing promises have been given. “Be still” considers that we are finite and that God is infinite. That being the case, we need to drop our hands, go limp, relax, and “chill out.” This spiritual calm that God commands does not come from a lack of troubles; it derives from a steady, deep reflection on the ways God has intervened in history on behalf of his people (cf. Romans 15:4).
God’s past provides calm for our future. He is the ruler of kingdoms of this earth and the all-powerful Creator of the universe. We may be pressed, perplexed, and pursued, but not unto despair (cf. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9). If you are the last man or woman standing, be still, stand fast, be strong. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth do change” (vv. 1-2).
* Barnes, Albert. 1950. Notes on the Old Testament: Explanatory and Practical. Vol. 2. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker.
* Kirkpatrick, A. F. 1906. The Book of Psalms. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
* McCann, J. Clinton, Jr. 1993. A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.
Sunday, August 22, 2010

I have been blessed and privileged to learn of the concept of “God moment” .This is the word that I have given to the phenomenon of the ever present God and Godliness in every moment of every time called Now in my life. Let me explain. It is the idea that “God is in the details”. The bottom-line. The All –in-All. God is actually in my waking up, In my morning prayer, In eating of my breakfast, in the choosing and wearing of my clothes, in my boarding of the matatu in the morning, in reading of my favorite magazine, my chatting of friends at work, in the lunch hour break and in choosing what I am planning to eat, In the thought of entertaining the afternoon siesta, in rushing home to avoid the jam..You get drift. God is in everything and everywhere. In other words, God ,in his divine foreknowledge, perceives your every thought, word and action and He is there when you are in your present in that thought, word and action and in the after. That why He describes Himself as the I AM. The Always and Ever Self-Existing God…and here’s the good part and my point exactly, THROUGH US.I really hope you are following this .For God to be God experientially, He waits on us to be in us so as we can be God on this earth and present in this life .WOW!!! I am just as excited about this now as I was 3 days ago when I came to “know” i.e. to be aware of it. Here was my predicament: - I always thought of God being up there in Heaven. And me here on earth. And in the true sense, it is actually that way; Talk of Divine Dichotomy. But the “God moment” applies thus, when I am “AWAKE” (emphasis added) to my NOW and become consciously aware of God’s foreknowledge of this “moment” I am calling Now, I have no option but be in this moment as it is the Will of God for me now. Get It? Please God, Help me put this clearly. Look here dear one, you reading this; God is the one writing this words to you, ofcourse through me and He is the one causing you to read this and making you understand. Thus, we are in the will of God. Let me say this now, “it is easier said than done”. So it will be hard at times trying to consciously “be in the moment “ but when you are, all frustrations will subside. Trust Me!!! So just Be and comprehend the Majesty and the Awesomeness of God and life. So to say in a nutshell- Try BEing “Present” in every moment you have as “Now” and by that I mean, “Releasing and Giving up of yourself to God” in mind and body and spirit and see what happens. That is why we are called Human Beings and not Human Doings. NOTE: - I am referring to the TRUE GOD. Who is Spirit in nature and who is worshipped in Spirit and Truth. The Great I AM. God the Father, Whose son, Jesus Christ died for my sins and I am now a partaker of eternal life. That is the God I am referring to. So I am always aware of God being here and now and not only when I am praying or going to church or sharing Him when I am with my pals. He is always there; All ways! And personally I believe this is how Jesus Christ was Consciously while He was on this earth. That why He could say in John 5:19 in reference to his accusation by the Jews as to why he was healing on the Sabbath. “…I tell you the truth, The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father(GOD) doing, because whatever the Father does the son also does” So since we are the sons of God in Jesus Christ, We can do also the same. Be what God want you to BE at this particular moment. Always and in every moment. So go ahead and heal someone, Bless someone, Be rich, Be happy, Be that which God wants you to be NOW! For Now is the Time for Salvation! God Bless You.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
SUCCESS 101 - Quotes from "16 laws of success" - Napoloen Hill
The most successful men and women on earth have had to correct certain weak spots in their personalities before they began to succeed. The most outstanding of these weaknesses which stand between men and women and success are INTOLERANCE, CUPIDITY, GREED, JEALOUSY, SUSPICION, REVENGE, EGOTISM, CONCEIT, THE TENDENCY TO REAP WHERE THEY HAVE NOT SOWN, and the HABIT OF SPENDING MORE THAN THEY EARN.
"Master Mind," - meaning - a mind that is developed through the harmonious co-operation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.
If you are engaged in the business of selling you may profitably experiment with this law of the "Master Mind" in your daily work. It has been found that a group of six or seven salespeople may use the law so effectively that their sales may be increased tounbelievableproportions.
- Napoleon Hill
In any of the great cities of the United States one may purchase merchandise of similar nature and price in scores of stores, yet you will find there is always one outstanding store which does more business than any of the others, and the reason for this is that back of that store is a man, or men, who has attended to the personalities of those who come in contact with the public. People buy personalities as much as merchandise, and it is a question if they are not influenced more by the personalities with which they come in contact than they are by the merchandise.
Success, is "the attainment of your Definite Chief Aim without violating the rights of other people."
Regardless of what your major aim in life may be, you will attain it with much less difficulty after you learn how to cultivate a pleasing personality and after you have learned the delicate art of allying yourself with others in a given undertaking without friction or envy.
One of the greatest problems of life, if not, in fact, the greatest, is that of learning the art of harmonious negotiation with others.
You cannot enjoy outstanding success in life without power, and you can never enjoy power without sufficient personality to influence other people to cooperate with you in a spirit of harmony.
Your definite chief aim in life should be selected with deliberate care, and after it has been selected it should be written out and placed where you will see it at least once a day, the psychological effect of which is to impress this purpose upon your subconscious mind so strongly that it accepts that purpose as a pattern or blueprint that will eventually dominate your activities in life and lead you, step by step, toward the attainment of the object back of that purpose.
The principle of psychology through which you can impress your definite chief aim upon your subconscious mind is called Auto-suggestion, or suggestion which you repeatedly make to yourself.
Be sure that your definite purpose is constructive; that its attainment will bring hardship and misery to no one; that it will bring you peace and prosperity, then apply, to the limit of your understanding, the principle of self-suggestion for the speedy attainment of this purpose.
The subconscious mind may be likened to a magnet, and when it has been vitalized and thoroughly saturated with any definite purpose it has a decided tendency to attract all that is necessary for the fulfillment of that purpose. Like attracts like, and you may see evidence of this law in every blade of grass and every growing tree. The acorn attracts from the soil and the air the necessary materials out of which to grow an oak tree. It never grows a tree that is part oak and part poplar. Every grain of wheat that is planted in the soil attracts the materials out of which to grow a stalk of wheat. It never makes a mistake and grows both oats and wheat on the same stalk. And men are subject, also, to this same Law of Attraction.
All of which leads up to this statement:
That you will attract to you people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish it or not.
It is your privilege - nay, your DUTY, to aim high in life. You owe it to yourself and to the community in which you live to set a high standard for yourself.
There is much evidence to justify the belief that nothing within reason is beyond the possibility of attainment by the man whose definite chief aim has been well developed.
No undesirable environment is strong enough to hold the man or woman who understands how to apply the principle of Auto-suggestion in the creation of a definite chief aim. Such a person can throw off the shackles of poverty; destroy the most deadly disease germs; rise from a lowly station in life to power and plenty.
All great leaders base their leadership upon a definite chief aim. Followers are willing followers when they know that their leader is a person with a definite chief aim who has the courage to back up that purpose with action. Even a balky horse knows when a driver with a definite chief aim takes hold of the reins; and yields to that driver. When a man with a definite chief aim starts through a crowd everybody stands aside and makes a way for him, but let a man hesitate and show by his actions that he is not sure which way he wants to go and the crowd will step all over his toes and refuse to budge an inch out of his way.
any idea you firmly fix in your subconscious mind, by repeated affirmation, automatically becomes a plan or blueprint which an unseen power uses in directing your efforts toward the attainment of the objective named - in the plan.
You have also learned that the principle through which you may fix any idea you choose in your mind is called Auto-suggestion, which simply means a suggestion that you give to your own mind.
You might well remember that Nothing can bring you success but yourself.
No one is going to pay much attention to the person who has no confidence in himself.
He does not attract others because his mind is a negative force that repels rather than attracts.
First: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose, therefore I demand of myself persistent, aggressive and continuous action toward its attainment.
Second: I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward, bodily action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore I will concentrate My mind for thirty minutes daily upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to be, by creating a mental picture of this person and then transforming that picture into reality through practical service.
Third: I know that through the principle of Auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of realizing it, therefore I shall devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of the factors named in the sixteen lessons of this Reading Course on the Law of Success.
Fourth: I have clearly mapped out and written down a description of my definite purpose in life, for the coming five years. I have set a price on my services for each of these five years; a price that I intend to earn and receive, through strict application of the principle of efficient, satisfactory service which I will render in advance.
Fifth: I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth and justice, therefore I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. 1 will succeed by attracting to me the forces I wish to use, and the co-operation of other people. I will induce others to serve me because I will first serve them. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and in myself.
I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory and repeat it aloud once a day with full faith that it will gradually influence my entire life so that I will become a successful and happy worker in my chosen field of endeavor.
Before you sign your name to this formula make sure that you intend to carry out its instructions. Back of this formula lies a law that no man can explain. The psychologists refer to this law as Auto-suggestion and let it go at that, but you should bear in mind one point about which there is no uncertainty, and that is the fact that whatever this law is it actually works! Another point to be kept in mind is the fact that, just as electricity will turn the wheels of industry and serve mankind in a million other ways, or snuff out life if wrongly applied, so will this principle of Auto-suggestion lead you up the mountain-side of peace and prosperity, or down into the valley of misery and poverty, according to the application you make of it. If you fill your mind with doubt and unbelief in your ability to achieve, then the principle of Auto-suggestion takes this spirit of unbelief and sets it up in your subconscious mind as your dominating thought and slowly but surely draws you into the whirlpool of failure. But, if you fill your mind with radiant Self-confidence, the principle of Auto-suggestion takes this belief and sets it up as your dominating thought and helps you master the obstacles that fall in your way until you reach the mountain-top of success.
We are the victims of our habits, no matter who we are or what may be our life-calling. Any idea that is deliberately fixed in the mind, or any idea that is permitted to set itself up in the mind, as the result of suggestion, environment, the influence of associates, etc., is sure to cause us to indulge in acts which conform to the nature of the idea.
Form the habit of thinking and talking of prosperity and abundance, and very soon material evidence of these will begin to manifest itself in the nature of wider opportunity and new and unexpected opportunity.
YOU are a human magnet and you are constantly attracting to you people whose characters harmonize with your own.
Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit.
Poverty, alone, is sufficient to kill off ambition, destroy self-confidence and destroy hope, but add to it the burden of debt and all who are victims of these two cruel task-masters are practically doomed to failure.
No man can do his best work, no man can express himself in terms that command respect, no man can either create or carry out a definite purpose in life, with heavy debt hanging over his head. The man who is bound in the slavery of debt is just as helpless as the slave who is bound by ignorance, or by actual chains.
It is a terrible thing even to think of going through life like a prisoner in chains, bound down and owned by somebody else on account of debts. The accumulation of debts is a habit. It starts in a small way and grows to enormous proportions slowly, step by step, until finally it takes charge of one's very soul.
The Fear of Poverty is one of the most destructive of the six basic fears. The man who becomes hopelessly in debt is seized with this poverty fear, his ambition and self-confidence become paralyzed, and he sinks gradually into oblivion.
No sacrifice is too great to avoid the misery of debt!
"Think of what you owe yourself and those who are dependent upon you and resolve to be no man's debtor,"
There are two classes of debts, and these are so different in nature that they deserve to be here described, as follows:
1. There are debts incurred for luxuries which become a dead loss.
2. There are debts incurred in the course of professional or business trading which represent service or merchandise that can be converted back into assets.
The first class of debts is the one to be avoided. The second class may be indulged in, providing the one incurring the debts uses judgment and does not go beyond the bounds of reasonable limitation. The moment one buys beyond his limitations he enters the realm of speculation, and speculation swallows more of its victims than it enriches.
The slavery of debt causes more suicides every year than all other causes combined, which is a slight indication of the cruelty of the poverty fear.
WHO told you it couldn't be done? and, what great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to use the word "impossible" so freely?
To whip the Fear of Poverty one must take two very definite steps, providing one is in debt. First, quit the habit of buying on credit, and follow this by gradually paying off the debts that you have already incurred.
Being free from the worry of indebtedness you are ready to revamp the habits of your mind and re-direct your course toward prosperity. Adopt, as a part of your Definite Chief Aim, the habit of saving a regular proportion of your income, even if this be no more than a penny a day. Very soon this habit will begin to lay hold of your mind and you will actually get joy out of saving.
Any habit may be discontinued by building in its place some other and more desirable habit. The "spending" habit must be replaced by the "saving" habit by all who attain financial independence.
Merely to discontinue an undesirable habit is not enough, as such habits have a tendency to reappear unless the place they formerly occupied in the mind is filled by some other habit of a different nature. The discontinuance of a habit leaves a "hole" in the mind, and this hole must be filled up with some other form of habit or the old one will return and claim its place.
The accumulation of money is not difficult after you have once mastered the Fear of Poverty and developed in its place the Habit of Saving.
Thomas A. Edison is one of the best known and most respected inventors in the world, yet it is no misstatement of facts to say that he would have remained a practically unknown, obscure personage had he not followed the habit of conserving his resources and shown his ability to save money.
Henry Ford never would have got to first base with his "horseless carriage" had he not developed, quite early in life, the habit of saving. Moreover, had Mr. Ford not conserved his resources and hedged himself behind their power he would have been "swallowed up" by his competitors or those who covetously desired to take his business away from him, long, long years ago.
Many a man has gone a very long way toward success, only to stumble and fall, never again to rise, because of lack of money in times of emergency. The mortality rate in business each year, due to lack of reserve capital for emergencies, is stupendous. To this one cause are due more of the business failures than to all other causes combined!
Reserve Funds are essential in the successful operation of business! Likewise, Savings Accounts are essential to success on the part of individuals. Without a savings fund the individual suffers in two ways: first, by inability to seize opportunities that come only to the person with some ready cash, and, second, by embarrassment due to some unexpected emergency calling for cash
"Master Mind," - meaning - a mind that is developed through the harmonious co-operation of two or more people who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task.
If you are engaged in the business of selling you may profitably experiment with this law of the "Master Mind" in your daily work. It has been found that a group of six or seven salespeople may use the law so effectively that their sales may be increased tounbelievableproportions.
- Napoleon Hill
In any of the great cities of the United States one may purchase merchandise of similar nature and price in scores of stores, yet you will find there is always one outstanding store which does more business than any of the others, and the reason for this is that back of that store is a man, or men, who has attended to the personalities of those who come in contact with the public. People buy personalities as much as merchandise, and it is a question if they are not influenced more by the personalities with which they come in contact than they are by the merchandise.
Success, is "the attainment of your Definite Chief Aim without violating the rights of other people."
Regardless of what your major aim in life may be, you will attain it with much less difficulty after you learn how to cultivate a pleasing personality and after you have learned the delicate art of allying yourself with others in a given undertaking without friction or envy.
One of the greatest problems of life, if not, in fact, the greatest, is that of learning the art of harmonious negotiation with others.
You cannot enjoy outstanding success in life without power, and you can never enjoy power without sufficient personality to influence other people to cooperate with you in a spirit of harmony.
Your definite chief aim in life should be selected with deliberate care, and after it has been selected it should be written out and placed where you will see it at least once a day, the psychological effect of which is to impress this purpose upon your subconscious mind so strongly that it accepts that purpose as a pattern or blueprint that will eventually dominate your activities in life and lead you, step by step, toward the attainment of the object back of that purpose.
The principle of psychology through which you can impress your definite chief aim upon your subconscious mind is called Auto-suggestion, or suggestion which you repeatedly make to yourself.
Be sure that your definite purpose is constructive; that its attainment will bring hardship and misery to no one; that it will bring you peace and prosperity, then apply, to the limit of your understanding, the principle of self-suggestion for the speedy attainment of this purpose.
The subconscious mind may be likened to a magnet, and when it has been vitalized and thoroughly saturated with any definite purpose it has a decided tendency to attract all that is necessary for the fulfillment of that purpose. Like attracts like, and you may see evidence of this law in every blade of grass and every growing tree. The acorn attracts from the soil and the air the necessary materials out of which to grow an oak tree. It never grows a tree that is part oak and part poplar. Every grain of wheat that is planted in the soil attracts the materials out of which to grow a stalk of wheat. It never makes a mistake and grows both oats and wheat on the same stalk. And men are subject, also, to this same Law of Attraction.
All of which leads up to this statement:
That you will attract to you people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish it or not.
It is your privilege - nay, your DUTY, to aim high in life. You owe it to yourself and to the community in which you live to set a high standard for yourself.
There is much evidence to justify the belief that nothing within reason is beyond the possibility of attainment by the man whose definite chief aim has been well developed.
No undesirable environment is strong enough to hold the man or woman who understands how to apply the principle of Auto-suggestion in the creation of a definite chief aim. Such a person can throw off the shackles of poverty; destroy the most deadly disease germs; rise from a lowly station in life to power and plenty.
All great leaders base their leadership upon a definite chief aim. Followers are willing followers when they know that their leader is a person with a definite chief aim who has the courage to back up that purpose with action. Even a balky horse knows when a driver with a definite chief aim takes hold of the reins; and yields to that driver. When a man with a definite chief aim starts through a crowd everybody stands aside and makes a way for him, but let a man hesitate and show by his actions that he is not sure which way he wants to go and the crowd will step all over his toes and refuse to budge an inch out of his way.
any idea you firmly fix in your subconscious mind, by repeated affirmation, automatically becomes a plan or blueprint which an unseen power uses in directing your efforts toward the attainment of the objective named - in the plan.
You have also learned that the principle through which you may fix any idea you choose in your mind is called Auto-suggestion, which simply means a suggestion that you give to your own mind.
You might well remember that Nothing can bring you success but yourself.
No one is going to pay much attention to the person who has no confidence in himself.
He does not attract others because his mind is a negative force that repels rather than attracts.
First: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose, therefore I demand of myself persistent, aggressive and continuous action toward its attainment.
Second: I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward, bodily action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore I will concentrate My mind for thirty minutes daily upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to be, by creating a mental picture of this person and then transforming that picture into reality through practical service.
Third: I know that through the principle of Auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of realizing it, therefore I shall devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of the factors named in the sixteen lessons of this Reading Course on the Law of Success.
Fourth: I have clearly mapped out and written down a description of my definite purpose in life, for the coming five years. I have set a price on my services for each of these five years; a price that I intend to earn and receive, through strict application of the principle of efficient, satisfactory service which I will render in advance.
Fifth: I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth and justice, therefore I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. 1 will succeed by attracting to me the forces I wish to use, and the co-operation of other people. I will induce others to serve me because I will first serve them. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness and cynicism by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and in myself.
I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory and repeat it aloud once a day with full faith that it will gradually influence my entire life so that I will become a successful and happy worker in my chosen field of endeavor.
Before you sign your name to this formula make sure that you intend to carry out its instructions. Back of this formula lies a law that no man can explain. The psychologists refer to this law as Auto-suggestion and let it go at that, but you should bear in mind one point about which there is no uncertainty, and that is the fact that whatever this law is it actually works! Another point to be kept in mind is the fact that, just as electricity will turn the wheels of industry and serve mankind in a million other ways, or snuff out life if wrongly applied, so will this principle of Auto-suggestion lead you up the mountain-side of peace and prosperity, or down into the valley of misery and poverty, according to the application you make of it. If you fill your mind with doubt and unbelief in your ability to achieve, then the principle of Auto-suggestion takes this spirit of unbelief and sets it up in your subconscious mind as your dominating thought and slowly but surely draws you into the whirlpool of failure. But, if you fill your mind with radiant Self-confidence, the principle of Auto-suggestion takes this belief and sets it up as your dominating thought and helps you master the obstacles that fall in your way until you reach the mountain-top of success.
We are the victims of our habits, no matter who we are or what may be our life-calling. Any idea that is deliberately fixed in the mind, or any idea that is permitted to set itself up in the mind, as the result of suggestion, environment, the influence of associates, etc., is sure to cause us to indulge in acts which conform to the nature of the idea.
Form the habit of thinking and talking of prosperity and abundance, and very soon material evidence of these will begin to manifest itself in the nature of wider opportunity and new and unexpected opportunity.
YOU are a human magnet and you are constantly attracting to you people whose characters harmonize with your own.
Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit.
Poverty, alone, is sufficient to kill off ambition, destroy self-confidence and destroy hope, but add to it the burden of debt and all who are victims of these two cruel task-masters are practically doomed to failure.
No man can do his best work, no man can express himself in terms that command respect, no man can either create or carry out a definite purpose in life, with heavy debt hanging over his head. The man who is bound in the slavery of debt is just as helpless as the slave who is bound by ignorance, or by actual chains.
It is a terrible thing even to think of going through life like a prisoner in chains, bound down and owned by somebody else on account of debts. The accumulation of debts is a habit. It starts in a small way and grows to enormous proportions slowly, step by step, until finally it takes charge of one's very soul.
The Fear of Poverty is one of the most destructive of the six basic fears. The man who becomes hopelessly in debt is seized with this poverty fear, his ambition and self-confidence become paralyzed, and he sinks gradually into oblivion.
No sacrifice is too great to avoid the misery of debt!
"Think of what you owe yourself and those who are dependent upon you and resolve to be no man's debtor,"
There are two classes of debts, and these are so different in nature that they deserve to be here described, as follows:
1. There are debts incurred for luxuries which become a dead loss.
2. There are debts incurred in the course of professional or business trading which represent service or merchandise that can be converted back into assets.
The first class of debts is the one to be avoided. The second class may be indulged in, providing the one incurring the debts uses judgment and does not go beyond the bounds of reasonable limitation. The moment one buys beyond his limitations he enters the realm of speculation, and speculation swallows more of its victims than it enriches.
The slavery of debt causes more suicides every year than all other causes combined, which is a slight indication of the cruelty of the poverty fear.
WHO told you it couldn't be done? and, what great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to use the word "impossible" so freely?
To whip the Fear of Poverty one must take two very definite steps, providing one is in debt. First, quit the habit of buying on credit, and follow this by gradually paying off the debts that you have already incurred.
Being free from the worry of indebtedness you are ready to revamp the habits of your mind and re-direct your course toward prosperity. Adopt, as a part of your Definite Chief Aim, the habit of saving a regular proportion of your income, even if this be no more than a penny a day. Very soon this habit will begin to lay hold of your mind and you will actually get joy out of saving.
Any habit may be discontinued by building in its place some other and more desirable habit. The "spending" habit must be replaced by the "saving" habit by all who attain financial independence.
Merely to discontinue an undesirable habit is not enough, as such habits have a tendency to reappear unless the place they formerly occupied in the mind is filled by some other habit of a different nature. The discontinuance of a habit leaves a "hole" in the mind, and this hole must be filled up with some other form of habit or the old one will return and claim its place.
The accumulation of money is not difficult after you have once mastered the Fear of Poverty and developed in its place the Habit of Saving.
Thomas A. Edison is one of the best known and most respected inventors in the world, yet it is no misstatement of facts to say that he would have remained a practically unknown, obscure personage had he not followed the habit of conserving his resources and shown his ability to save money.
Henry Ford never would have got to first base with his "horseless carriage" had he not developed, quite early in life, the habit of saving. Moreover, had Mr. Ford not conserved his resources and hedged himself behind their power he would have been "swallowed up" by his competitors or those who covetously desired to take his business away from him, long, long years ago.
Many a man has gone a very long way toward success, only to stumble and fall, never again to rise, because of lack of money in times of emergency. The mortality rate in business each year, due to lack of reserve capital for emergencies, is stupendous. To this one cause are due more of the business failures than to all other causes combined!
Reserve Funds are essential in the successful operation of business! Likewise, Savings Accounts are essential to success on the part of individuals. Without a savings fund the individual suffers in two ways: first, by inability to seize opportunities that come only to the person with some ready cash, and, second, by embarrassment due to some unexpected emergency calling for cash
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Scientific Proof that the Bible is True!
The Holy Bible contains scientific information that was not known by man at the time of writing! In many cases it was only discovered recently. Let us break them down now:
Please allow me to start with this statement that the The True Holy Bible (mark my words please because there are many books around claiming to be “True Bibles”!) contains no scientific errors in its 66 books! Amazing! I know you may be asking yourself, why, and how does he know that! Well, don’t get ahead of me now, am about to prove to you all these. Just move with me…..
Whenever the Bible makes a scientific statement, it is always proven correct after man has discovered all the relevant facts. In the Library of the Louvre in Paris there are 3.5 miles of obsolete science books on the shelves. In 1861 the French Academy of Science published a list of 51 "scientific facts" which supposedly “contradicted the Bible”. Today all 51 of these "facts" are unacceptable to modern scientists!! Intereting indeed!!
The Holy Bible contains scientific information that was not known by man at the time of writing! In many cases it was only discovered recently. At this stage the question that might be lingering in your mind is: How did the Bible possess knowledge not yet discovered by man? Well, the one and only answer stands to be God authored the Bible, and revealed information not yet known to man, so that the world would know that the Bible is God's Word, coming from a mind much greater than man's.
Having mentioned all these, then what examples of scientific facts revealed in the Bible, were unknown to man at the time of writing? Am glad you asked. Let us break them down now:
1. The Earth Hangs in Space.
"He hangs the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7 stated 1500BC.
2. Earth at any time is part day-time and part night.
When the moment of Christ's second coming to earth is discussed in Luke 17:31-36, Christ's return interrupts people sleeping at night on one part of the earth, and interrupts others in the daytime grinding at the mill or working in the field. How did Jesus Christ know that the earth at any point of time is half dark and half light? Because He is the all-knowing God
3. Cloud Balancing.
"Dost thou know the balancing of the clouds?" Job 37:16.
Clouds are floating in the air, balanced by two forces: gravity pulling them downwards, and
warm air pushing them upwards. How did Job know about this in 1500 BC? God told him.
4. Telephone Communication.
"Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, here we are?" Job 38:35.
When we dial a telephone number, an electric current (lightning or electricity as we know it) moves through a wire to our friend's telephone, which rings a bell. The telephone works exactly as Job, yet man did not invent it until 1876. God revealed the telephone to Job in 1520BC, 3400 years before AG Bell invented it.
5. Very Great Number of Stars.
"As the host of heaven cannot be numbered." Jeremiah 33:22 in 590 BC.
"He (God) telleth the number of stars; he calleth them all by their names." Psalm 147:4.
Ptolemy in 150AD dogmatically said that 1056 stars existed. Scientists now estimate that there are around 1011 x 1011 stars, and this is only a guess since are still being discovered.
6. The Height of Stars.
"Behold the height of the stars, how high they are." Job 22:12.
Man did not realize how high and far the stars are until Bessel in 1838 measured the distances of stars using the parallax method. Alpha Centauri, earth's nearest star is 4 x 1013 kms (40,000 billion kms) away. It would take you 10 million years to get there if you could travel there in your motorcar at 100 km per hour!
7. Pleiades Constellation is a Bound cluster , not breaking up.
"Canst thou bind the sweet influences (cluster) of Pleiades?" Job 38:31.
In 1520 BC, God said that the Pleiades star cluster is bound together in a highly stable group. Today using high-powered telescopes, this has been shown to be true. It is a bound cluster of about 500 stars, 50 light years across and 410 light years away from earth. Also, photographs reveal that some of it's stars are veiled in a faint transparent blue haze of gas and dust, which beautifully reflect the glory of the stars in the cluster with their various colours. The cluster is indeed "sweet" in colour as God said in Job 38:31. How did the Bible know these two details, which are not observable to the naked eye? The all-knowing God Who created the stars, authored the Bible.
8. Orion's Bands are loosed.
"Canst thou loose the bands of Orion?" Job 38:31
The constellation of Orion is a star system that is steadily expanding outwards. The gravitational “bands" holding the constellation together have indeed been loosed, just as God told Job. Orion is 350 light years across and 1600 light years from earth. This expansion is not observable to the naked eye. How could the Bible tell the difference between two star systems in 1600 BC? Well, by now I know for sure you can guess..
9. Spherical Earth.
“It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth." Isaiah 40:22.
"..when he set a compass upon the face of the depth. " Proverbs 8:27.
Circle 2329 = Compass 2329 in Hebrew is "Khoog" = to describe a circle, or circuit, meaning the horizon which is circular. In 712 BC, when Isaiah wrote this, people thought that the earth was flat, and that you could sail over the edge of it and fall off. Columbus and Magellan proved that the earth was circular by sailing around it in a circle from East to West and then returning to the point of departure!
10. Treasures of the Snow.
"Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?” Job 38:22.
Snow crystals are invisible to the naked eye, but under a microscope every snow crystal is different! No two snow crystals are the same! They are all beautiful 6-sided patterns, just like exquisite treasures.
11. The Bloodstream Carries Life.
"The life of the flesh is in the blood." Leviticus 17:11.
From 400 BC to 1900 AD, a procedure called "blood letting" was popular. Sick people had blood drained from their bloodstream as a supposed therapeutic measure. It was responsible for killing millions of people, such as George Washington. People thought that blood carried disease instead of life! By draining the blood, the patient died of blood loss. Now we give blood to some sick patients. The Bible was right again.
12. Fountains Under the Sea.
"Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea?" Job 38:16.
"When he strengthened the fountains of the deep." Proverbs 8:28.
There are at least 10,000 known underwater volcanoes, adding extra water to the oceans of 430 million tons each year!
13. The Water Cycle.
"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from where the rivers
come, there they return again." Ecclesiestes 1:7.
Rain falls on the coast, runs down the rivers into the oceans, evaporates into clouds, and is blown back to land. It then rains, thus repeating what is known as the water cycle.
14. The Sun is the Source of the Earth's Wind Systems.
"By what way is the light parted, which scatters the east wind upon the earth?” Job 38:24.
Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the air around the earth by the sun . The sun also heats the surface of the earth unevenly. Air above hot areas (such as land) expands and rises. Air from cooler areas then flows in to take the place of heated air. This is called circulation.
15. Light can be Parted or Dispersed into a Rainbow Spectrum.
"By what way is the light parted " Job 38:24.
"Parted" in Hebrew is "chalaq ”
which means, "separated". White light can be separated into 7 colours of the spectrum which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. This was not understood until experiments with light were performed in the 1600's.
16. Winds blow in Circuits
Ecclesiastes 1:6 “The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.”
At the equator, the sun heats the air causing it to rise. In the upper atmosphere this air flows away from the equator. When the air returns to the earth's surface, it flows across the surface. This moving surface air produces the six belts of prevailing winds around the earth.
17. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that no new matter or energy is being created in the known universe; it is only being interconverted from one form to another!
"On the seventh day God ended his work which He had made." Genesis 2:2.
18. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the disorder of the universe is increasing. Systems are running from a high to a low state of energy. "They (the earth and heavens) all shall wax old as doth a garment. And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail." (Hebrews 1:11,12.)
Scientists admit that with all the energy that the sun burns up, it must become cold one day in the distant future. The same must happen to all stars. This is called the "heat death of the universe." Without solar heat, life on earth could not exist.
The True Holy Bible (mark my words please because there are many books around claiming to be “True Bibles”!) not only includes that which is scientifically correct, but it is The True Word of God, The TRUTH. Imagine this, that the ancient Egyptians believed that the world was hatched from a great cosmic egg which had wings!!! Without any shadow of a doubt I confidently conclude that the all-knowing Creator God authored the Bible. This is a powerful argument to warrant our complete confidence in the Bible's truth and reliability on every other issue of life.
So having read and understood all these dear reader, what is your opinion?
Please allow me to start with this statement that the The True Holy Bible (mark my words please because there are many books around claiming to be “True Bibles”!) contains no scientific errors in its 66 books! Amazing! I know you may be asking yourself, why, and how does he know that! Well, don’t get ahead of me now, am about to prove to you all these. Just move with me…..
Whenever the Bible makes a scientific statement, it is always proven correct after man has discovered all the relevant facts. In the Library of the Louvre in Paris there are 3.5 miles of obsolete science books on the shelves. In 1861 the French Academy of Science published a list of 51 "scientific facts" which supposedly “contradicted the Bible”. Today all 51 of these "facts" are unacceptable to modern scientists!! Intereting indeed!!
The Holy Bible contains scientific information that was not known by man at the time of writing! In many cases it was only discovered recently. At this stage the question that might be lingering in your mind is: How did the Bible possess knowledge not yet discovered by man? Well, the one and only answer stands to be God authored the Bible, and revealed information not yet known to man, so that the world would know that the Bible is God's Word, coming from a mind much greater than man's.
Having mentioned all these, then what examples of scientific facts revealed in the Bible, were unknown to man at the time of writing? Am glad you asked. Let us break them down now:
1. The Earth Hangs in Space.
"He hangs the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7 stated 1500BC.
2. Earth at any time is part day-time and part night.
When the moment of Christ's second coming to earth is discussed in Luke 17:31-36, Christ's return interrupts people sleeping at night on one part of the earth, and interrupts others in the daytime grinding at the mill or working in the field. How did Jesus Christ know that the earth at any point of time is half dark and half light? Because He is the all-knowing God
3. Cloud Balancing.
"Dost thou know the balancing of the clouds?" Job 37:16.
Clouds are floating in the air, balanced by two forces: gravity pulling them downwards, and
warm air pushing them upwards. How did Job know about this in 1500 BC? God told him.
4. Telephone Communication.
"Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, here we are?" Job 38:35.
When we dial a telephone number, an electric current (lightning or electricity as we know it) moves through a wire to our friend's telephone, which rings a bell. The telephone works exactly as Job, yet man did not invent it until 1876. God revealed the telephone to Job in 1520BC, 3400 years before AG Bell invented it.
5. Very Great Number of Stars.
"As the host of heaven cannot be numbered." Jeremiah 33:22 in 590 BC.
"He (God) telleth the number of stars; he calleth them all by their names." Psalm 147:4.
Ptolemy in 150AD dogmatically said that 1056 stars existed. Scientists now estimate that there are around 1011 x 1011 stars, and this is only a guess since are still being discovered.
6. The Height of Stars.
"Behold the height of the stars, how high they are." Job 22:12.
Man did not realize how high and far the stars are until Bessel in 1838 measured the distances of stars using the parallax method. Alpha Centauri, earth's nearest star is 4 x 1013 kms (40,000 billion kms) away. It would take you 10 million years to get there if you could travel there in your motorcar at 100 km per hour!
7. Pleiades Constellation is a Bound cluster , not breaking up.
"Canst thou bind the sweet influences (cluster) of Pleiades?" Job 38:31.
In 1520 BC, God said that the Pleiades star cluster is bound together in a highly stable group. Today using high-powered telescopes, this has been shown to be true. It is a bound cluster of about 500 stars, 50 light years across and 410 light years away from earth. Also, photographs reveal that some of it's stars are veiled in a faint transparent blue haze of gas and dust, which beautifully reflect the glory of the stars in the cluster with their various colours. The cluster is indeed "sweet" in colour as God said in Job 38:31. How did the Bible know these two details, which are not observable to the naked eye? The all-knowing God Who created the stars, authored the Bible.
8. Orion's Bands are loosed.
"Canst thou loose the bands of Orion?" Job 38:31
The constellation of Orion is a star system that is steadily expanding outwards. The gravitational “bands" holding the constellation together have indeed been loosed, just as God told Job. Orion is 350 light years across and 1600 light years from earth. This expansion is not observable to the naked eye. How could the Bible tell the difference between two star systems in 1600 BC? Well, by now I know for sure you can guess..
9. Spherical Earth.
“It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth." Isaiah 40:22.
"..when he set a compass upon the face of the depth. " Proverbs 8:27.
Circle 2329 = Compass 2329 in Hebrew is "Khoog" = to describe a circle, or circuit, meaning the horizon which is circular. In 712 BC, when Isaiah wrote this, people thought that the earth was flat, and that you could sail over the edge of it and fall off. Columbus and Magellan proved that the earth was circular by sailing around it in a circle from East to West and then returning to the point of departure!
10. Treasures of the Snow.
"Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?” Job 38:22.
Snow crystals are invisible to the naked eye, but under a microscope every snow crystal is different! No two snow crystals are the same! They are all beautiful 6-sided patterns, just like exquisite treasures.
11. The Bloodstream Carries Life.
"The life of the flesh is in the blood." Leviticus 17:11.
From 400 BC to 1900 AD, a procedure called "blood letting" was popular. Sick people had blood drained from their bloodstream as a supposed therapeutic measure. It was responsible for killing millions of people, such as George Washington. People thought that blood carried disease instead of life! By draining the blood, the patient died of blood loss. Now we give blood to some sick patients. The Bible was right again.
12. Fountains Under the Sea.
"Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea?" Job 38:16.
"When he strengthened the fountains of the deep." Proverbs 8:28.
There are at least 10,000 known underwater volcanoes, adding extra water to the oceans of 430 million tons each year!
13. The Water Cycle.
"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from where the rivers
come, there they return again." Ecclesiestes 1:7.
Rain falls on the coast, runs down the rivers into the oceans, evaporates into clouds, and is blown back to land. It then rains, thus repeating what is known as the water cycle.
14. The Sun is the Source of the Earth's Wind Systems.
"By what way is the light parted, which scatters the east wind upon the earth?” Job 38:24.
Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the air around the earth by the sun . The sun also heats the surface of the earth unevenly. Air above hot areas (such as land) expands and rises. Air from cooler areas then flows in to take the place of heated air. This is called circulation.
15. Light can be Parted or Dispersed into a Rainbow Spectrum.
"By what way is the light parted " Job 38:24.
"Parted" in Hebrew is "chalaq ”
which means, "separated". White light can be separated into 7 colours of the spectrum which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. This was not understood until experiments with light were performed in the 1600's.
16. Winds blow in Circuits
Ecclesiastes 1:6 “The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.”
At the equator, the sun heats the air causing it to rise. In the upper atmosphere this air flows away from the equator. When the air returns to the earth's surface, it flows across the surface. This moving surface air produces the six belts of prevailing winds around the earth.
17. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that no new matter or energy is being created in the known universe; it is only being interconverted from one form to another!
"On the seventh day God ended his work which He had made." Genesis 2:2.
18. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the disorder of the universe is increasing. Systems are running from a high to a low state of energy. "They (the earth and heavens) all shall wax old as doth a garment. And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail." (Hebrews 1:11,12.)
Scientists admit that with all the energy that the sun burns up, it must become cold one day in the distant future. The same must happen to all stars. This is called the "heat death of the universe." Without solar heat, life on earth could not exist.
The True Holy Bible (mark my words please because there are many books around claiming to be “True Bibles”!) not only includes that which is scientifically correct, but it is The True Word of God, The TRUTH. Imagine this, that the ancient Egyptians believed that the world was hatched from a great cosmic egg which had wings!!! Without any shadow of a doubt I confidently conclude that the all-knowing Creator God authored the Bible. This is a powerful argument to warrant our complete confidence in the Bible's truth and reliability on every other issue of life.
So having read and understood all these dear reader, what is your opinion?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
When God cries
He who made the will gave it to us , His precious sons and daughters , freely.
He who made us out of the abundance of His Love, gave us the breathe of life to manifest His Glory with His Free will.
When we were yet to be born, as infant spirits, He beheld us in the comforts of His Heavenly dwellings.
As one, then we divinely agreed to go into the world to become the physical expression of Him.
Being God, He gave us the liberty to choose to become Him on earth through the Holy Spirit within us.
Conversely, to fail to become this truth, the opposite would hold true and become a reality. i.e. We would choose to become who He is not and hence we would be who we are not by the denial of the Holy spirit in our lives; the guide of God in our hearts that our souls know very well.
With this foreknowledge, God understood we would not remember the “agreement” we had made once we become flesh and enter into the world and to this end, He sent His Only Son. To re-mind us who we were before we became. To bring us back into remembrance. “To re-member us” i.e. to attach us back to the original; In spirit as we dwell here on earth. Being God on earth in order to manifest His will, our will on earth, as it is in Heaven. And Jesus came and showed us the way and the truth and the life albeit at a very high cost. And so we re-membered. We became to Know again. We got “saved” from our unknowing and we became new creatures through this good news. The stuff of dreams, I tell you! That we were not ordinary people , but a Royalty. Kings and Queens in the Kingdom of God.
He who was. And Is , and Is to come, became man to makes us gods through the knowledge of His Spirit here on His earth. What a wonder!
And this is the truth! He even swore that He will never leave us nor forsake us until the end of time. We win!
But God cries…
When after everything He has said, He has done to us, He continues to speak silently into our hearts everyday, From sending us angels , from singing to us through His songs to woe us back, Lighting up the days and starring up the nights, faithfully beckoning the majesty of His beauty in every flower, river, mountain top, valley low, every animal, the birds of the air, the four seasons and even the rainbow. And if that is not enough , He died to see us through this remembrance that whoever believes may not perish but have everlasting life.
But with that free will ,we can deny Him and thus deny ourselves; who we are truly are and consciously choose who we are not. And continue making that decision every day. And the precious gift becomes a curse, in an instant!
So God cries…
He cries for us. But for each tear shed, His call to us becomes even louder.
He who made us out of the abundance of His Love, gave us the breathe of life to manifest His Glory with His Free will.
When we were yet to be born, as infant spirits, He beheld us in the comforts of His Heavenly dwellings.
As one, then we divinely agreed to go into the world to become the physical expression of Him.
Being God, He gave us the liberty to choose to become Him on earth through the Holy Spirit within us.
Conversely, to fail to become this truth, the opposite would hold true and become a reality. i.e. We would choose to become who He is not and hence we would be who we are not by the denial of the Holy spirit in our lives; the guide of God in our hearts that our souls know very well.
With this foreknowledge, God understood we would not remember the “agreement” we had made once we become flesh and enter into the world and to this end, He sent His Only Son. To re-mind us who we were before we became. To bring us back into remembrance. “To re-member us” i.e. to attach us back to the original; In spirit as we dwell here on earth. Being God on earth in order to manifest His will, our will on earth, as it is in Heaven. And Jesus came and showed us the way and the truth and the life albeit at a very high cost. And so we re-membered. We became to Know again. We got “saved” from our unknowing and we became new creatures through this good news. The stuff of dreams, I tell you! That we were not ordinary people , but a Royalty. Kings and Queens in the Kingdom of God.
He who was. And Is , and Is to come, became man to makes us gods through the knowledge of His Spirit here on His earth. What a wonder!
And this is the truth! He even swore that He will never leave us nor forsake us until the end of time. We win!
But God cries…
When after everything He has said, He has done to us, He continues to speak silently into our hearts everyday, From sending us angels , from singing to us through His songs to woe us back, Lighting up the days and starring up the nights, faithfully beckoning the majesty of His beauty in every flower, river, mountain top, valley low, every animal, the birds of the air, the four seasons and even the rainbow. And if that is not enough , He died to see us through this remembrance that whoever believes may not perish but have everlasting life.
But with that free will ,we can deny Him and thus deny ourselves; who we are truly are and consciously choose who we are not. And continue making that decision every day. And the precious gift becomes a curse, in an instant!
So God cries…
He cries for us. But for each tear shed, His call to us becomes even louder.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
2010 spiritual resolution.
The new year is upon us and what a joy to behold. I have big ideas on what I plan to be, to do and to have. Amongst the most important ones is my relationship with God. Yes, This may sound cliché but honestly it isn’t. I have come to understand something deeper about Our Loving Father up there. I have been blessed with experiences that have ushered me to these truths and the little I can do in return is to work with unrelenting fervor to connect even more with God. To make it short and simple, I need to recognize God. Wow! I know, that sounds basic and ridiculous but wait and see. I do recognize God but in places and ways I have been trained to know how and in precise and specific people and places; a church, an elderly ,bearded man in white garments making prophetic statements, a gospel tv channel etc. But that is not enough for God is everywhere so we are told! And so I need to be made aware. Make me aware again.
To know that God is in the flowers in the field, the wind that lifts their fragrance up in the air, the rain that strikes our faces and the sun that caresses our skin. The birds that sings and the lion that roars majestically in the jungle ,The weird neighbor, the sulking boss and that beautiful woman seated in the bus-seat next to you.Everywhere!
you see,I presume we all know that God is always with us. Let Me put it this way. God is always there, in our life. All Ways. But we become much more conscious of His presence when we do these things; when we smile or love or sing or dance or write from our hearts. This is the highest version of Who HE IS, and when we are ex-pressing these qualities, we are expressing Him. I mean that literally. we are expressing God. That is, pushing HIM out. We are taking Him from the inside of us, where He always reside, and showing Him on the outside of us. And so, He seems to be “just showing up.” The truth is, God is always there, and we, you, me, are only in these moments aware of God. What a wonderful revelation I have come to know and that I even seek to “know again” even deeper! And so I am on this project; to consciously become aware of where GOD is. Now you can somehow understand what I am trying to get in here. To “recognize” God is to “know again” God. From “cognize” which means to “be aware” and so to “re-cognize” is “to be aware again” and as such to recognize God for me this year, I am working to know again God; consciously in me and out there .Its quite simple, I plan to know again the God I know! Aha! Awesome, isn’t it? By this , I have to be willing to see God where I find God and not only where I expect to find God. I have to see God in my bitter times and not only during my happy times. I have to be willing to see God even when I am low in spirit, Out of a job, ignored by friend, dumped by a loved one et al; really see God in these moments and not chose to imagine He has deserted me and that I need to find Him. Again, God is always with us and by our unconscious awareness we believe He is not. So My “knowing again” will involve a change of heart, a change of mind and a lot of courage. Faith!! Besides knowing and having a belief that God IS, I seek to “know again” that God IS and always IS about me and every part of my business. To see God where I find Him and find Him where I see Him!So Help Me God!
-article inspired by “Friendship with God” by neale d.walsch.
To know that God is in the flowers in the field, the wind that lifts their fragrance up in the air, the rain that strikes our faces and the sun that caresses our skin. The birds that sings and the lion that roars majestically in the jungle ,The weird neighbor, the sulking boss and that beautiful woman seated in the bus-seat next to you.Everywhere!
you see,I presume we all know that God is always with us. Let Me put it this way. God is always there, in our life. All Ways. But we become much more conscious of His presence when we do these things; when we smile or love or sing or dance or write from our hearts. This is the highest version of Who HE IS, and when we are ex-pressing these qualities, we are expressing Him. I mean that literally. we are expressing God. That is, pushing HIM out. We are taking Him from the inside of us, where He always reside, and showing Him on the outside of us. And so, He seems to be “just showing up.” The truth is, God is always there, and we, you, me, are only in these moments aware of God. What a wonderful revelation I have come to know and that I even seek to “know again” even deeper! And so I am on this project; to consciously become aware of where GOD is. Now you can somehow understand what I am trying to get in here. To “recognize” God is to “know again” God. From “cognize” which means to “be aware” and so to “re-cognize” is “to be aware again” and as such to recognize God for me this year, I am working to know again God; consciously in me and out there .Its quite simple, I plan to know again the God I know! Aha! Awesome, isn’t it? By this , I have to be willing to see God where I find God and not only where I expect to find God. I have to see God in my bitter times and not only during my happy times. I have to be willing to see God even when I am low in spirit, Out of a job, ignored by friend, dumped by a loved one et al; really see God in these moments and not chose to imagine He has deserted me and that I need to find Him. Again, God is always with us and by our unconscious awareness we believe He is not. So My “knowing again” will involve a change of heart, a change of mind and a lot of courage. Faith!! Besides knowing and having a belief that God IS, I seek to “know again” that God IS and always IS about me and every part of my business. To see God where I find Him and find Him where I see Him!So Help Me God!
-article inspired by “Friendship with God” by neale d.walsch.
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