Friday, January 23, 2009


We seek to be
We seek for the deeper meaning
We seek to fight for the just cause
We seek The Light ;not to deny darkness (its just dark) but coz our own light is not as bright
We seek to work for a justified pay
We seek to love in earnest; Truthfully. No holds barred. No conditions. Just Love!
We seek to learn and lose the unwarranted ignorance
We seek to pray; not as an obligation but as a cherished communion with HIM whom we owe our existence
We seek to share; not as a duty but out of the abundance
We seek to speak openly if only to communicate our truth
We seek to remain healthy ; to look beautiful and not for impression’s sake but as a genuine expression of Who We Are.
We seek to be truly thankful from our hearts and make it a habit
We seek Peace; the serenity to just abide and not brew conflict when others opinions are not same as ours.
We seek Joy and not just for the bliss but as a deepest compliment of our sorrow.
We seek to radiate God’s Glory in everything and not the cheap alternative of the earthly fame for our ego
We seek to relate and not out of need but out of a deep sense to see our true selves reflecting from another
We seek to honestly own and not covet
We seek the freedom of being us and not confinement by living (experiencing) another’s truth which ofcourse was another’s truth and so on ...
We seek purity out of a heart’s will and not a body’s strength.

We seek to obey and not for obedience sake; ...mmmm actually , for obedience sake!
We seek to run and not faint;
We seek Courage and not Cowardice
Faith and not Fear
To Be and not just humdrum existence
We seek to seek then when we get we fail to notice then start to seek again
We win at times but for the larger part we doubt about it
And when we fail we fail to start seeking again until were sick of not seeking again
We seek in depths, in Highs, in the Narrows, in the Wide, Everywhere
We seek; if only someone; GOD, can help give us back to ourselves
This we seek But Few I do ..infact most cases I don’t.
And so I need JESUS.
For Perfection is Him and by Him and Through Him I can become
So I guess I answer myself that To Know God I Need To Be Out Of My Mind!


(c) jazzkuria

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