Don’t sit aside and look
With empty eyes and a castigating mind
Watching the wicked few eating
And drinking to empty of the masses’ brook.
Don’t be angry and just sit
Wishing someone else take notice
Of the ignorant many
Being led astray by idle advice
Don’t start and stop
The noble cause of feeding the mind
With wisdom, knowledge and understanding
From whichever source that you can find
Don’t indulge the foolish jokes
That the world is round and much abound
But work your zeal and play the part
For the earth repays the diligent sower’s ground.
Don’t pray and doubt
That life will and remain the same
But be ye strong within and without
Your unyielding Faith will bring you through.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
The enthralling tale of Jimmy and the gang - PART 1 AND 2
* names (Jimmy and collymore) have been changed to conceal the true identity of, otherwise, flecked characters whose factual reputation has already been compromised.
After much deliberation, *Jimmy gave in. For those who knew Jimmy, this was akin to the second coming of the Messiah. Sheer impossibility. Hitler would have been a vicar before jimmy took a change of heart. That is how hard a stand jimmy had taken on the gang’s incessant quandary. The gravit rain had weighed him in. The elastic limit of his human heart had reached its breaking point. Finally, like a stroke of magic, if not a miracle, jimmy had been touched by the needs of his self- despised lot. He had too. He had tried every trick known to man to flout this gang but their persistence had paid off albeit at a heavy cost. The rich ego of jimmy. He reasoned that for the machine to work, the cogs had to be in place and working. The yin has its yang and a change of heart was the only joker left to be played. And so Jimmy played the last card.
You see , behind the pin striped suits, pointed shoes and the phlegmatic demeanour, inside jimmy lies a man who would put his life on the line to zealously abscond any exorbitant emotional responsibilities for a people well in their prime especially in a third world setting where cases of manager-fights-for-your-rights clarion calls are a norm. The man was taught and cultured differently. Go to elementary school, learn to swim or play a musical instrument, imbibe your way through junior high, cheat your way in campus....but graduate and finally get a formal job and aim high buddy. Thats it! This he did and in time through his political connects, he had reached his pinnacle. Fulfilled his daddy’s wish and become a village hero. Jimmy had become a boss! The kaffir, top honcho, cahuna, you name it at his workplace in his motherland. Well according to the version of his gospel. But the saddest part, you ask? he was the boss of an ignorantly haute riche’ mortals who had entered their sophomore year of their employment with a pristine zeal for a mass upgrade in no uncertain terms. They had worn out their rookie year excitements of a first salary, owned more than 2 pairs of pants, been to movie premiers, feasted on game meat, maxed out their credit cards, the works. Now they were desperate and they needed a punch bag to vent. So jimmy was stuck in between. A hero in the village but a villain at work. Jimmy had worked the “motivational” hope of zion train to the gang but to no avail. They had known better. The scales had fallen from their eyes.The carrot had been dangled until it withered out. Jimmy, in his haste, to impress his ghostly superior, *collymore, he had forgotten the most important lesson; Know when to duck ém!
Collymore was a master of “the ducking craft”. He had perfected it like the precision of a matador’s lance to the raging bull, and there was talk that he had patented it. Promise, Hype and...Duck! By all means and schemes possible. Feign imaginary calls, use VIP lifts, excessive midnight texts for figures,tipping security guards to “deny” your presence anytime you are in the vicinity, never answer calls and the best, be in endless meetings. Well, credit to Jimmy, he had Jimmy employed meticulously the meeting trick but the downside was that his office was the gang’s epicentre. He had done all he could. He had supplied occasional hard drinks to opium the masses at the team building events, endured heaving cases in his car, hidden behind his 21’inch computer under the sliding chair, cast occasional glances at the corner of his eyes, black forested the damn feminine community, avoided the morning trance-inducing chants. Everything. His deputies were novices and docile in nature. One thought leadership required literal positioning of staff according to their height and age in the office to improve performance and the other one, well, hard as it is to say this, he actually strolled aimlessly pondering on how he will reinvent the moppet, sometimes bursting unconsciously “eureka”!!”eureka”!!. Hopeless. Funny thing, they were proud of their positions. So Jimmy gave in. His only condition? Go,Go ,Go....but further now, GO BEYOND HITHER!! jimmy had given in, but only he knew.
Disclaimer: The author appreciates the full import of his narration and wishes to state that far from being informed by antipathy, he be au fait with the need to laugh at ourselves as the biggest statement to our reconciliation with our past and its marvelous deeds.
And so like all fabled legends, Jimmy and the gang did roll into the sunset, the details of which will best be put in context at the article’s end. …but to further appreciate the dynamics of the team and its intrigues, jimmy’s brief did not end with his immediate team. I aver to you ladies and gentlemen, the aptly named bunch of hippies; “Outbound”. A troupe comprising of 9 anomalous members that were a product of a generous whim auspiced as “diversifying portfolio” in the ever growing card business. This was a dream team with a pipe dream- to be their own managers!! Now, these bunch were way, waaaaay in over their heads with this one. They would create their own leads, call 10 clients in 8 hours, do their own version of MI and send it to an arbitrarily nondescript call centre manager at the tail end of the business day and anxiously wait for their emoluments on the famed 24th.Wow! Idyllic Imagination even by Hollywood standards!! This was their lot.
To be fair to Jimmy, He inherited this team, never was sure what they did, couldn’t care less what their names were and he never really owned them. Who did? He, however, did accommodate them and especially when his gang’s work needed an extra pair of hands, he would pluck a few from the outbound to get the job done. On occasions, when hosting a special delegate from upper echelons, who would come to pay a courtesy call to the Tele-centre, Jimmy would let his guest surmise that it was “all his team” if only it would auger well to his seniors and give him that odd pat on the back for increased responsibility; read B5.If the guest pressed for details, He would disassociate himself as the Levite priests would Samaritan lepers and beckoned one of the Outbounders cook themselves in their own oil by explaining themselves and their damned origins.
So this cohabitation endured time and served its logic; under the radar they did their business. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” being the mantra the outbounders held and would fervently fight to the nail any suggestions that they were a non-existential busy-body entity. This worked well for them. They forged genuine camaraderie and it seemed their utopian job was God- sent; No performance threats, No supervisors, No Red and Green Whiteboard awash with sales targets; No, None of that. For a year and a half they glided by and each held unto his own up until the ill-timed mass upgrade jitters started doing rounds in Jimmy’s gang. This was to be followed up by key management reps coming over to assure the gang that their cries had been heard and it was only a matter of when and not if that the upgrade will be effected.”Carrot and stick ‘em” trick would always work on the gang and by now fraternities and sororities between the teams had enmeshed and the revolution had caught up. The outbounders, for some outlandish reason, introspected themselves, re-evaluated their worth and alarm bells began to ring. They wanted in! Well, a few of them .But the few were the noisiest and the sluggards; but they wanted in. Everything! Plus a renewed contract that had the term
Fully inscribed and watermarked therein. The scales had fallen from their eyes. The botched election and its economical implications had adversely hit them too. They wanted recognition, assimilation, well defined TOR’s (Terms of Reference), a visible manager, their own tea and tea bags, flat screen computers and a group hug. Was that a lot to ask for? They had grown tired too. Hell, they had exhausted their leads within a month of their employment and its human nature, after misusing their post paid lines calling their lovers, some calling their maids to find out how many times the baby had sneezed, etc to have conscience stricken hearts. So next, as Maslow’s hierarchical needs established, so too they had moved to their next phase and sought significance. Anyway, anyhow did they seek it. But they had forgotten one simple law. The law of cause and effect.
Meanwhile, Jimmy’s gang push for an upgrade did materialize…yes, they were locationally upgraded. But this was done strategically. To weed out the atwolis, karuas and khalwales that agitated the well meaning, easy going folk. To all corners were they dispersed like the biblical Israelites. Time heals all wounds and it did. To some, motherhood brought solace, to some, greener pastures were sought, the entrepreneurial spirits started businesses while exploiting the company resources to the hilt, while some changed stations. A couple enriched and contributed mass profits to aid Mr. Gerald Mahinda’s firm and PD leading to his promotion to South Africa. Others coped and hoped all the while keeping Mwangemi busy round the clock.
Collymore’s lucky streak came to an end and was eventually found out. His 2 decades of service went down without a plaque of recognition. His dues massively deducted for owed loan repayments and maxed out cards, his repute was in tatters, no ex-gratia to boot, and his glowing embers of a distinguished career could not be rekindled even with the astrological Maya Indians and was last heard and seen attending to his copious phone calls. Old habits do indeed die hard. He’s yet to issue a statement explaining his take of things but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. As for Jimmy, his whereabouts remain unknown to the author. Tele-centre was rejuvenated and re-injected with new faces from Og Mandino’s “Greatest salesmen of the world” {pun intended} to cog that tireless machine and it still strives on. Its 5th year anniversary will be observed soon. And please don’t ask where new leads come from. The business still runs, doesn’t it? Take a toss and go get yourself a Kilele brand yoghurt!
Outbound lived up to its name. Literally. According to Collins English Dictionary ,Definition: Adj. 1 .Outbound – “that is going out or leaving”; “leaving a place or a position”; “an outgoing steamship”. The third definition particularly resonates. The team hounded itself out of existence. Its members now ply new trades .Some went to try new careers in pharmaceutical fields, others to NGO’s, others started Children homes and others lucky enough were accommodated to the larger costumer service team at the head quarters and their subservience was bought without a whimper. Sad, but that’s life. Now we know why God attaches so much importance to a name.
Lay-offs and forced resignations would soon be effected to “deadwood” top management in the name of “human resource restructuring processes” and as is the case, brown A4 envelopes were back in vogue. The wise ones who had got wind of it joined forces with the competition but a huge chunk went the way of Captain Edward John Smith and sank down in pride and full regalia. The toothless union still enjoys its benefits and exists to serve its masters and not its members.
As for the acts of Card centre, its offshoots and other events of jimmy’s reign, his gizmo-obsessed juniors, are they not written and recorded in the annotations and hearts of its victims, collaborators, and its faithful servants? Jimmy’s reign lasted for a time and half a time and there are no official records about his successor.
After much deliberation, *Jimmy gave in. For those who knew Jimmy, this was akin to the second coming of the Messiah. Sheer impossibility. Hitler would have been a vicar before jimmy took a change of heart. That is how hard a stand jimmy had taken on the gang’s incessant quandary. The gravit rain had weighed him in. The elastic limit of his human heart had reached its breaking point. Finally, like a stroke of magic, if not a miracle, jimmy had been touched by the needs of his self- despised lot. He had too. He had tried every trick known to man to flout this gang but their persistence had paid off albeit at a heavy cost. The rich ego of jimmy. He reasoned that for the machine to work, the cogs had to be in place and working. The yin has its yang and a change of heart was the only joker left to be played. And so Jimmy played the last card.
You see , behind the pin striped suits, pointed shoes and the phlegmatic demeanour, inside jimmy lies a man who would put his life on the line to zealously abscond any exorbitant emotional responsibilities for a people well in their prime especially in a third world setting where cases of manager-fights-for-your-rights clarion calls are a norm. The man was taught and cultured differently. Go to elementary school, learn to swim or play a musical instrument, imbibe your way through junior high, cheat your way in campus....but graduate and finally get a formal job and aim high buddy. Thats it! This he did and in time through his political connects, he had reached his pinnacle. Fulfilled his daddy’s wish and become a village hero. Jimmy had become a boss! The kaffir, top honcho, cahuna, you name it at his workplace in his motherland. Well according to the version of his gospel. But the saddest part, you ask? he was the boss of an ignorantly haute riche’ mortals who had entered their sophomore year of their employment with a pristine zeal for a mass upgrade in no uncertain terms. They had worn out their rookie year excitements of a first salary, owned more than 2 pairs of pants, been to movie premiers, feasted on game meat, maxed out their credit cards, the works. Now they were desperate and they needed a punch bag to vent. So jimmy was stuck in between. A hero in the village but a villain at work. Jimmy had worked the “motivational” hope of zion train to the gang but to no avail. They had known better. The scales had fallen from their eyes.The carrot had been dangled until it withered out. Jimmy, in his haste, to impress his ghostly superior, *collymore, he had forgotten the most important lesson; Know when to duck ém!
Collymore was a master of “the ducking craft”. He had perfected it like the precision of a matador’s lance to the raging bull, and there was talk that he had patented it. Promise, Hype and...Duck! By all means and schemes possible. Feign imaginary calls, use VIP lifts, excessive midnight texts for figures,tipping security guards to “deny” your presence anytime you are in the vicinity, never answer calls and the best, be in endless meetings. Well, credit to Jimmy, he had Jimmy employed meticulously the meeting trick but the downside was that his office was the gang’s epicentre. He had done all he could. He had supplied occasional hard drinks to opium the masses at the team building events, endured heaving cases in his car, hidden behind his 21’inch computer under the sliding chair, cast occasional glances at the corner of his eyes, black forested the damn feminine community, avoided the morning trance-inducing chants. Everything. His deputies were novices and docile in nature. One thought leadership required literal positioning of staff according to their height and age in the office to improve performance and the other one, well, hard as it is to say this, he actually strolled aimlessly pondering on how he will reinvent the moppet, sometimes bursting unconsciously “eureka”!!”eureka”!!. Hopeless. Funny thing, they were proud of their positions. So Jimmy gave in. His only condition? Go,Go ,Go....but further now, GO BEYOND HITHER!! jimmy had given in, but only he knew.
Disclaimer: The author appreciates the full import of his narration and wishes to state that far from being informed by antipathy, he be au fait with the need to laugh at ourselves as the biggest statement to our reconciliation with our past and its marvelous deeds.
And so like all fabled legends, Jimmy and the gang did roll into the sunset, the details of which will best be put in context at the article’s end. …but to further appreciate the dynamics of the team and its intrigues, jimmy’s brief did not end with his immediate team. I aver to you ladies and gentlemen, the aptly named bunch of hippies; “Outbound”. A troupe comprising of 9 anomalous members that were a product of a generous whim auspiced as “diversifying portfolio” in the ever growing card business. This was a dream team with a pipe dream- to be their own managers!! Now, these bunch were way, waaaaay in over their heads with this one. They would create their own leads, call 10 clients in 8 hours, do their own version of MI and send it to an arbitrarily nondescript call centre manager at the tail end of the business day and anxiously wait for their emoluments on the famed 24th.Wow! Idyllic Imagination even by Hollywood standards!! This was their lot.
To be fair to Jimmy, He inherited this team, never was sure what they did, couldn’t care less what their names were and he never really owned them. Who did? He, however, did accommodate them and especially when his gang’s work needed an extra pair of hands, he would pluck a few from the outbound to get the job done. On occasions, when hosting a special delegate from upper echelons, who would come to pay a courtesy call to the Tele-centre, Jimmy would let his guest surmise that it was “all his team” if only it would auger well to his seniors and give him that odd pat on the back for increased responsibility; read B5.If the guest pressed for details, He would disassociate himself as the Levite priests would Samaritan lepers and beckoned one of the Outbounders cook themselves in their own oil by explaining themselves and their damned origins.
So this cohabitation endured time and served its logic; under the radar they did their business. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” being the mantra the outbounders held and would fervently fight to the nail any suggestions that they were a non-existential busy-body entity. This worked well for them. They forged genuine camaraderie and it seemed their utopian job was God- sent; No performance threats, No supervisors, No Red and Green Whiteboard awash with sales targets; No, None of that. For a year and a half they glided by and each held unto his own up until the ill-timed mass upgrade jitters started doing rounds in Jimmy’s gang. This was to be followed up by key management reps coming over to assure the gang that their cries had been heard and it was only a matter of when and not if that the upgrade will be effected.”Carrot and stick ‘em” trick would always work on the gang and by now fraternities and sororities between the teams had enmeshed and the revolution had caught up. The outbounders, for some outlandish reason, introspected themselves, re-evaluated their worth and alarm bells began to ring. They wanted in! Well, a few of them .But the few were the noisiest and the sluggards; but they wanted in. Everything! Plus a renewed contract that had the term
Fully inscribed and watermarked therein. The scales had fallen from their eyes. The botched election and its economical implications had adversely hit them too. They wanted recognition, assimilation, well defined TOR’s (Terms of Reference), a visible manager, their own tea and tea bags, flat screen computers and a group hug. Was that a lot to ask for? They had grown tired too. Hell, they had exhausted their leads within a month of their employment and its human nature, after misusing their post paid lines calling their lovers, some calling their maids to find out how many times the baby had sneezed, etc to have conscience stricken hearts. So next, as Maslow’s hierarchical needs established, so too they had moved to their next phase and sought significance. Anyway, anyhow did they seek it. But they had forgotten one simple law. The law of cause and effect.
Meanwhile, Jimmy’s gang push for an upgrade did materialize…yes, they were locationally upgraded. But this was done strategically. To weed out the atwolis, karuas and khalwales that agitated the well meaning, easy going folk. To all corners were they dispersed like the biblical Israelites. Time heals all wounds and it did. To some, motherhood brought solace, to some, greener pastures were sought, the entrepreneurial spirits started businesses while exploiting the company resources to the hilt, while some changed stations. A couple enriched and contributed mass profits to aid Mr. Gerald Mahinda’s firm and PD leading to his promotion to South Africa. Others coped and hoped all the while keeping Mwangemi busy round the clock.
Collymore’s lucky streak came to an end and was eventually found out. His 2 decades of service went down without a plaque of recognition. His dues massively deducted for owed loan repayments and maxed out cards, his repute was in tatters, no ex-gratia to boot, and his glowing embers of a distinguished career could not be rekindled even with the astrological Maya Indians and was last heard and seen attending to his copious phone calls. Old habits do indeed die hard. He’s yet to issue a statement explaining his take of things but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. As for Jimmy, his whereabouts remain unknown to the author. Tele-centre was rejuvenated and re-injected with new faces from Og Mandino’s “Greatest salesmen of the world” {pun intended} to cog that tireless machine and it still strives on. Its 5th year anniversary will be observed soon. And please don’t ask where new leads come from. The business still runs, doesn’t it? Take a toss and go get yourself a Kilele brand yoghurt!
Outbound lived up to its name. Literally. According to Collins English Dictionary ,Definition: Adj. 1 .Outbound – “that is going out or leaving”; “leaving a place or a position”; “an outgoing steamship”. The third definition particularly resonates. The team hounded itself out of existence. Its members now ply new trades .Some went to try new careers in pharmaceutical fields, others to NGO’s, others started Children homes and others lucky enough were accommodated to the larger costumer service team at the head quarters and their subservience was bought without a whimper. Sad, but that’s life. Now we know why God attaches so much importance to a name.
Lay-offs and forced resignations would soon be effected to “deadwood” top management in the name of “human resource restructuring processes” and as is the case, brown A4 envelopes were back in vogue. The wise ones who had got wind of it joined forces with the competition but a huge chunk went the way of Captain Edward John Smith and sank down in pride and full regalia. The toothless union still enjoys its benefits and exists to serve its masters and not its members.
As for the acts of Card centre, its offshoots and other events of jimmy’s reign, his gizmo-obsessed juniors, are they not written and recorded in the annotations and hearts of its victims, collaborators, and its faithful servants? Jimmy’s reign lasted for a time and half a time and there are no official records about his successor.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The significance of choice
Every December holiday, when I was a kid, my folks would bundle us into the car and make the trip upcountry as it was customary back then. I recall every evening when grandma would have us sit round her three legged stool and narrate to us different stories. The one that hangs to memory the most is one of how the monkey is a staple diet in the asian, far east regions of our globe. To trap it, the villagers would create a sizable hole in a coconut fruit and stuff rice inside. The hole is made just small and wide to accommodate the monkey’s paw. Now, the trick is, that once the monkey has reached inside the fruit and grabbed a handful of rice, it cannot lose the coconut unless it lets go of the rice inside. To the folly of the animal, it makes endless gongs as it tries to make up a tree with its paw still inside the fruit and these sounds are the cue for the villagers. Believe it or not, the villagers will grab it, as casually as a walk in the park, since the monkey will make empty noises, fidgeting around the tree while it has a choice of letting go and fleeing the imminent danger. Grandma would let us run out of our laughter and gaze intently into our watery eyes and tell us the lesson within; always know you have a choice. And the matter of choice has stuck, if not haunted me since. Choice, as free will, is at the disposal of the every human being. It is something God gives us freely.
God will motivate us, encourage us, move the heavens and the mountains for us, rebuke us, send messages through diligent messengers just to get us to make only and just only one thing; make a choice. A choice to choose life, a choice to be happy, a choice to begin to love, to be faithful, to think positively, to live healthy, to change attitudes, to be different; to change for the better. He constantly calls us to make more than a choice but a daily choice. The interesting thing about all this is that it is never that easy. It breaks a sweat but the fruits are guaranteed. Pain is always part of the process. You see, It costs us something to get something. Mediocrity has never been bestowed with recognition and as the Swahili saying advises “ mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame”.
The conscious and deliberate effort depends on our ability to make a choice. The choice that we make is influenced by a variety of factors which may include our genetic predisposition, the family influence which I call the social conditioning, the famous peer pressure among others. All these shape our way of thinking trickling down to our ingrained habits which forms our actions and ultimately our character. The good thing I have learnt is that nothing is ever etched on stone that we shall always be and remain as we are. Like the light to the day, life is guaranteed to change. For the mighty and for the lowly. For all. When this happens, our response to it will impact us either positively or negatively depending on the choices we make. Every day, every hour, every minute. Constantly.
In the book, Conversations with God, author Neale Donald Walsch, seems to be at odds as to why he has never gotten it right every time he wishes to come to terms on how to get his life moving without much stagnation. As the dialogue goes ”God”, interestingly, keeps it simple with the truth:”Life is an ongoing process of creation. You are creating your reality every single minute. Remember that every decision you make should be the choice you choose to make tomorrow and that is the secret of all masters. They keep choosing the same thing over and over again until their will is made manifest in their reality”. I like that. That if I choose to be physically fit, I should stick to the fitness plan every time and the constancy of it should see me reach my desired goal. This school of thought gives me the responsibility to be in charge of my own life choices and decisions and to cease blaming others or circumstances for the woe in my life. Every situation becomes what I decide it to be. The idea that I am what I think of myself as is thought provoking.
It is Our Lord Jesus Christ who said that “As a man thinketh so is He” and now I see. I choose what I will think about, what to say, whom to relate to, what to read, what to watch, etc as all this constitute to who I am. I now understand that I am inherently equipped with everything I need to make that choice that will make me be me. A choice to believe in a God to whom nothing is impossible. A choice to trust in Him and in my ability. A choice to make the first step in faith and see what happens. A choice to see myself in a new light; that I am a special person with boundless limits to explore. A being wonderfully and fearfully made. All in all, it all begins with a choice. What’s yours?
God will motivate us, encourage us, move the heavens and the mountains for us, rebuke us, send messages through diligent messengers just to get us to make only and just only one thing; make a choice. A choice to choose life, a choice to be happy, a choice to begin to love, to be faithful, to think positively, to live healthy, to change attitudes, to be different; to change for the better. He constantly calls us to make more than a choice but a daily choice. The interesting thing about all this is that it is never that easy. It breaks a sweat but the fruits are guaranteed. Pain is always part of the process. You see, It costs us something to get something. Mediocrity has never been bestowed with recognition and as the Swahili saying advises “ mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame”.
The conscious and deliberate effort depends on our ability to make a choice. The choice that we make is influenced by a variety of factors which may include our genetic predisposition, the family influence which I call the social conditioning, the famous peer pressure among others. All these shape our way of thinking trickling down to our ingrained habits which forms our actions and ultimately our character. The good thing I have learnt is that nothing is ever etched on stone that we shall always be and remain as we are. Like the light to the day, life is guaranteed to change. For the mighty and for the lowly. For all. When this happens, our response to it will impact us either positively or negatively depending on the choices we make. Every day, every hour, every minute. Constantly.
In the book, Conversations with God, author Neale Donald Walsch, seems to be at odds as to why he has never gotten it right every time he wishes to come to terms on how to get his life moving without much stagnation. As the dialogue goes ”God”, interestingly, keeps it simple with the truth:”Life is an ongoing process of creation. You are creating your reality every single minute. Remember that every decision you make should be the choice you choose to make tomorrow and that is the secret of all masters. They keep choosing the same thing over and over again until their will is made manifest in their reality”. I like that. That if I choose to be physically fit, I should stick to the fitness plan every time and the constancy of it should see me reach my desired goal. This school of thought gives me the responsibility to be in charge of my own life choices and decisions and to cease blaming others or circumstances for the woe in my life. Every situation becomes what I decide it to be. The idea that I am what I think of myself as is thought provoking.
It is Our Lord Jesus Christ who said that “As a man thinketh so is He” and now I see. I choose what I will think about, what to say, whom to relate to, what to read, what to watch, etc as all this constitute to who I am. I now understand that I am inherently equipped with everything I need to make that choice that will make me be me. A choice to believe in a God to whom nothing is impossible. A choice to trust in Him and in my ability. A choice to make the first step in faith and see what happens. A choice to see myself in a new light; that I am a special person with boundless limits to explore. A being wonderfully and fearfully made. All in all, it all begins with a choice. What’s yours?
One of my favourite quotes is by Vaclav Havel who quipped “Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turn out” and that brings me to the subject that evokes much fascination and adoration if nothing less than being idolised by what it represents; HOPE. Personally, I love to think of hope as a reverent thing. An attribute that the Deity blesses his loving creation with. Even to the most lackadaisical pessimist and cynic, deep inside themselves lies a ray of hope. You see, Hope has stood the test of time and evidently it is something that always gives and never takes away. Hope has held the testimony that it never fails in its promise and whenever summoned, it works up with zeal and most importantly, its suffice to say we can look forward to it with desire and reasonable confidence.
I am amazed by the audacity of hope. It doesn’t segregate and always beckons at everyone’s heart when all around seem dark. Its soft, soothing voice infuses into our soul everytime we’re engulfed with the hurt and trials of life. In my young life, I have come to appreciate and encourage the idea of Hope as a resonant melody of my frail heart. I have discovered that the myopic nature of my human reasoning and interpretations of my life huddles cannot be easily overcome without hope for a better tomorrow, a better world and, indeed, a better me. I have looked far and beyond and saw that the greatest and the wisest of people to have walked on this earth had hope as a constant chaperone on their fickle, treacherous journey to redemption.
Among my idolised heroes of the modern day and also a living legend, Nelson Mandela, while facing a grim future of life behind bars for his noble cause of a better South Africa and was quoted in his famous speech before being sentenced to life imprisonment that “..During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I HOPE to live for and to achieve”. We all know how that story turned up to be. The fight for a liberated Kenya was hinged on hope. Tales of the Holocaust are told of how the Jewish captives, while being led to the gas chambers by the Nazis, sang songs of Hope as they resigned to the fact that though mortal men could kill their physical bodies, their souls had a hope to rest in the realm of the Heavenlies with the Creator. It is hope that the Lord’s apostles persevered and faithfully spread the gospel. For in hope, we retire at night after a long day to rest and look forward to a brighter day tomorrow. That we read, sing, relate and work. We do it for Hope.
Hope is not just a word, but it can mean many things. it is an emotion at best, at worst is lost. Caleb Colton, an English cleric, painter and writer, while going through a tumultuous period in his life, wrote that “ Times of general calamity and confusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest Ore is produced from the hottest furnace and brightest thunderbolt is the one elicited from the darkest room” And I would add a room full of Hope. For though hope wears different hats to different people, its inherent virtue is always the same. It makes up the substance of things that Faith is built upon. For the Bible puts it that ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not yet seen” Hebrews 11: 1. Hope, therefore, is a key ingredient of the heavenly currency ; Faith. But I won’t digress with my endless superlatives about Faith. Maybe another time. In short as I conclude, I offer it to you that among the triumvirate of God’s gifts for our daily sustenance is hope. 1 Corinthians 13: 13 “And now these three remain; Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love” .As such, I will totally fall short of the point if I do not say that Hope by itself, though sufficient, is diligently espoused to Faith and Love. Hope therefore and do not give up.
I am amazed by the audacity of hope. It doesn’t segregate and always beckons at everyone’s heart when all around seem dark. Its soft, soothing voice infuses into our soul everytime we’re engulfed with the hurt and trials of life. In my young life, I have come to appreciate and encourage the idea of Hope as a resonant melody of my frail heart. I have discovered that the myopic nature of my human reasoning and interpretations of my life huddles cannot be easily overcome without hope for a better tomorrow, a better world and, indeed, a better me. I have looked far and beyond and saw that the greatest and the wisest of people to have walked on this earth had hope as a constant chaperone on their fickle, treacherous journey to redemption.
Among my idolised heroes of the modern day and also a living legend, Nelson Mandela, while facing a grim future of life behind bars for his noble cause of a better South Africa and was quoted in his famous speech before being sentenced to life imprisonment that “..During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I HOPE to live for and to achieve”. We all know how that story turned up to be. The fight for a liberated Kenya was hinged on hope. Tales of the Holocaust are told of how the Jewish captives, while being led to the gas chambers by the Nazis, sang songs of Hope as they resigned to the fact that though mortal men could kill their physical bodies, their souls had a hope to rest in the realm of the Heavenlies with the Creator. It is hope that the Lord’s apostles persevered and faithfully spread the gospel. For in hope, we retire at night after a long day to rest and look forward to a brighter day tomorrow. That we read, sing, relate and work. We do it for Hope.
Hope is not just a word, but it can mean many things. it is an emotion at best, at worst is lost. Caleb Colton, an English cleric, painter and writer, while going through a tumultuous period in his life, wrote that “ Times of general calamity and confusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest Ore is produced from the hottest furnace and brightest thunderbolt is the one elicited from the darkest room” And I would add a room full of Hope. For though hope wears different hats to different people, its inherent virtue is always the same. It makes up the substance of things that Faith is built upon. For the Bible puts it that ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not yet seen” Hebrews 11: 1. Hope, therefore, is a key ingredient of the heavenly currency ; Faith. But I won’t digress with my endless superlatives about Faith. Maybe another time. In short as I conclude, I offer it to you that among the triumvirate of God’s gifts for our daily sustenance is hope. 1 Corinthians 13: 13 “And now these three remain; Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love” .As such, I will totally fall short of the point if I do not say that Hope by itself, though sufficient, is diligently espoused to Faith and Love. Hope therefore and do not give up.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
trials of an eternal optimist
Where is my world coming to? I wonder if there is anyone out there who can lay claim to having sublime peace without a single thought of worry for the passing day?
I sit and marvel on the turn of events facing us as a people; The rising cost of living, widespread insecurity , stark contrast the rich and the poor, Unending vitriol from a befuddled citizenry to its equally inept government, a fraught economy, colossal job losses and much more.
You see, lately I have been a victim of my own preaching. I pride myself in being an eternal optimist; am positive thinker; a man who always sees the glass as half full. A mastermind of sorts that is kept on a strict diet of any motivational materials available. Given my way, I’d even challenge the need for darkness and night before its loving creator . Such is my fascination with the Good, The Brighter and the Happy. For instance, In The case of a headache, I was taught that I just needs to re-arrange and focus my body mechanism to align the energies that are out of sync to help bring back the system balance back on track and as such the “pain” is diminished via the power of the positive –thought aligned mind. Wow! But here’s the thing, I’m Broke, lonely and my otherwise decent world is falling apart. I’ve sank into the abysmal depths of nothingness; At least to the very best of my knowledge .All my sustained efforts to summon my valued beliefs and teachings on positive thinking and eternal optimism have recently failed. Resultantly, I find myself silently cursing the system, laying blame on all the women, watching endless trash tv and talking in my sleep. I diligently avoid my clique of new thought converts preferring the quiet alleys occasioned with the usual commoners. I tuck my cherished collection of motivational cds and books and glossy magazines are duly displayed and religiously read. In turn, I’ve become an “IF” and not a “WHEN” person. “I WISH” instead of an “I WILL” person. Deterioration at its best. So is there help for me? Has it all been a waste of my time? Is this the real me? I wonder as I silently envy those who are constantly on the diligent path of positive re-affirmation while here I am huddling at the pavement of the beaten path of obscurity.
No! No! Not really! My mind seems to refuse .Its just a phase. Like any well-intentioned person out there. I am sure someone can identify with me. All is not gloom. The wave has hit its trough but in time I’ll ride to its crest. The cast shadow just means there is light somewhere. My song has just hit its bridge and it’s about to turn an octave higher. Beep! Beep! Beep! Goes my pulse and that only mean one thing; that I am alive and that’s a good thing, right?
So I guess I’ll appreciate the moment, treasure the good and try to understand the underlying meaning of the bad. For every yin there is a yang. Try to be a little easy on myself and kind to others out there trying their level best. I suppose I’m still human. Here’s the deal, How come those so called Motivational gurus and thinkers don’t front themselves and say, Hey look. I’m really having it rough and I am on the brink of giving up .I am not asking for much but just for them to only appreaciate the moment when their guards are down with the trials of life and not wait until all is well and the situation is faithfully triumphed then we see them on tv, in seminars and their books paraded among the best seller lists .So pardon my manners, I am just making an honest admission and admitting to my inadequacies for the whole world in real time that yes, I’m having it crazy right now but all the while being reminded of a verse from the wisest man to have lived which says “There’s a time for everything.A time to weep and a time to dance..” and right now; sob, sob sob! You get my drift.
(c) jazzkuria
I sit and marvel on the turn of events facing us as a people; The rising cost of living, widespread insecurity , stark contrast the rich and the poor, Unending vitriol from a befuddled citizenry to its equally inept government, a fraught economy, colossal job losses and much more.
You see, lately I have been a victim of my own preaching. I pride myself in being an eternal optimist; am positive thinker; a man who always sees the glass as half full. A mastermind of sorts that is kept on a strict diet of any motivational materials available. Given my way, I’d even challenge the need for darkness and night before its loving creator . Such is my fascination with the Good, The Brighter and the Happy. For instance, In The case of a headache, I was taught that I just needs to re-arrange and focus my body mechanism to align the energies that are out of sync to help bring back the system balance back on track and as such the “pain” is diminished via the power of the positive –thought aligned mind. Wow! But here’s the thing, I’m Broke, lonely and my otherwise decent world is falling apart. I’ve sank into the abysmal depths of nothingness; At least to the very best of my knowledge .All my sustained efforts to summon my valued beliefs and teachings on positive thinking and eternal optimism have recently failed. Resultantly, I find myself silently cursing the system, laying blame on all the women, watching endless trash tv and talking in my sleep. I diligently avoid my clique of new thought converts preferring the quiet alleys occasioned with the usual commoners. I tuck my cherished collection of motivational cds and books and glossy magazines are duly displayed and religiously read. In turn, I’ve become an “IF” and not a “WHEN” person. “I WISH” instead of an “I WILL” person. Deterioration at its best. So is there help for me? Has it all been a waste of my time? Is this the real me? I wonder as I silently envy those who are constantly on the diligent path of positive re-affirmation while here I am huddling at the pavement of the beaten path of obscurity.
No! No! Not really! My mind seems to refuse .Its just a phase. Like any well-intentioned person out there. I am sure someone can identify with me. All is not gloom. The wave has hit its trough but in time I’ll ride to its crest. The cast shadow just means there is light somewhere. My song has just hit its bridge and it’s about to turn an octave higher. Beep! Beep! Beep! Goes my pulse and that only mean one thing; that I am alive and that’s a good thing, right?
So I guess I’ll appreciate the moment, treasure the good and try to understand the underlying meaning of the bad. For every yin there is a yang. Try to be a little easy on myself and kind to others out there trying their level best. I suppose I’m still human. Here’s the deal, How come those so called Motivational gurus and thinkers don’t front themselves and say, Hey look. I’m really having it rough and I am on the brink of giving up .I am not asking for much but just for them to only appreaciate the moment when their guards are down with the trials of life and not wait until all is well and the situation is faithfully triumphed then we see them on tv, in seminars and their books paraded among the best seller lists .So pardon my manners, I am just making an honest admission and admitting to my inadequacies for the whole world in real time that yes, I’m having it crazy right now but all the while being reminded of a verse from the wisest man to have lived which says “There’s a time for everything.A time to weep and a time to dance..” and right now; sob, sob sob! You get my drift.
(c) jazzkuria
Monday, June 22, 2009
Safari Sevens pictureque
Friday, May 22, 2009
The silence of wonder!
Take the sun
The imposing, bright tablet in the sky
Which,at the break of dawn, slides up n shines up on high
Think about it
In all its glorious splendour
And in silence
It stands above in purpose
Then the world is lit up with this cosmic magnificence
Take the rainbow
The tapestry of wonder that splashes across the wet sky
Flaunting its beauty and in an instant it goes back to hiding
Think about it
In all its glorious splendour
It adorns our distant horizon
And men have since been ridiculously smitten!
Take the stars
The white diamonds scattered across the velvet sky
Glittering and shimmering in the dark of the night
Think about it
This glorious splendour
And in silence
They twinkle their way into our hearts n fascinates our imagination with their charm.
Take our Father God
Who, before the beginning began had been and lived to see the end and IS after that
He, who holds the universe by His breath and the seas in the cusp of His hand
Would go into Himself to send unto us His beloved Son
Think about it
A chastisement of our sins ; A living sacrifice for our redemption
The Living Word
And now we have a hope and a future
Take me n you
An image of unspeakable and phenomenal beauty
Knitted perfectly in the mother's womb with no idea, no clue n here we are
Think about it
An absolute wonder
Dont say a word
Some things are better said in silence!
Take the following
The birds of the air, the wild animals, the wind that slaps ur face, the rivers and the mountains, the green of the fodder, the delicate white snowflake, the yin and the yang, the strange time-space continuum, the joy of poetry, the rains falling from the heavens, the angels
Think about all that...
Mystery inexplainable
Without words
The silence of wonder!
The imposing, bright tablet in the sky
Which,at the break of dawn, slides up n shines up on high
Think about it
In all its glorious splendour
And in silence
It stands above in purpose
Then the world is lit up with this cosmic magnificence
Take the rainbow
The tapestry of wonder that splashes across the wet sky
Flaunting its beauty and in an instant it goes back to hiding
Think about it
In all its glorious splendour
It adorns our distant horizon
And men have since been ridiculously smitten!
Take the stars
The white diamonds scattered across the velvet sky
Glittering and shimmering in the dark of the night
Think about it
This glorious splendour
And in silence
They twinkle their way into our hearts n fascinates our imagination with their charm.
Take our Father God
Who, before the beginning began had been and lived to see the end and IS after that
He, who holds the universe by His breath and the seas in the cusp of His hand
Would go into Himself to send unto us His beloved Son
Think about it
A chastisement of our sins ; A living sacrifice for our redemption
The Living Word
And now we have a hope and a future
Take me n you
An image of unspeakable and phenomenal beauty
Knitted perfectly in the mother's womb with no idea, no clue n here we are
Think about it
An absolute wonder
Dont say a word
Some things are better said in silence!
Take the following
The birds of the air, the wild animals, the wind that slaps ur face, the rivers and the mountains, the green of the fodder, the delicate white snowflake, the yin and the yang, the strange time-space continuum, the joy of poetry, the rains falling from the heavens, the angels
Think about all that...
Mystery inexplainable
Without words
The silence of wonder!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Is your boss your friend or foe? -- Signs of the Times News
Is your boss your friend or foe? -- Signs of the Times News: ""
The Real Dangers of Soda to You and Your Children -- Signs of the Times News
The Real Dangers of Soda to You and Your Children -- Signs of the Times News: ""
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I just sit
Waiting and then pray
I then repeat
Telling myself its gonna be okay
I try to sing
But the melody does not make any sense
I bring myself back to myself
Summoning my innermost faith
Faith in God
I then lay down and sleep
Whilst trying very hard not to weep
Still..,Mine is a decent story
In comparison to others out there
With dreams gone awry
I see myself with victory
Maybe today; Maybe tomorrow
But I’m still drawn to sorrow
For I am wiser now
Free to live my truth
And let Love be
In Jesus will I trust
The lasting Peace for my days
I will talk
Of nothing other than Hope
In a world where gloom is in bloom
I will try to be..
An extension of His Light
A Joy to the mad world
A smile to the constant frowns
Warmth to the cold reality
Love to the resident evil
Bounty when scarce is commonplace
A Faithful Keeper
A solution than a problem
Colours of the rainbow
A part of Heaven down here
Just be me...
For The world could use something different at least!
Waiting and then pray
I then repeat
Telling myself its gonna be okay
I try to sing
But the melody does not make any sense
I bring myself back to myself
Summoning my innermost faith
Faith in God
I then lay down and sleep
Whilst trying very hard not to weep
Still..,Mine is a decent story
In comparison to others out there
With dreams gone awry
I see myself with victory
Maybe today; Maybe tomorrow
But I’m still drawn to sorrow
For I am wiser now
Free to live my truth
And let Love be
In Jesus will I trust
The lasting Peace for my days
I will talk
Of nothing other than Hope
In a world where gloom is in bloom
I will try to be..
An extension of His Light
A Joy to the mad world
A smile to the constant frowns
Warmth to the cold reality
Love to the resident evil
Bounty when scarce is commonplace
A Faithful Keeper
A solution than a problem
Colours of the rainbow
A part of Heaven down here
Just be me...
For The world could use something different at least!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Love's The Greatest
'And now abideth faith,hope,love; but the greatest of these is LOVE'.1 corithians 13:13. Love-'Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoices nt in iniquity but in the truth.'
Love- 'bears all things, believe all things, hopes all things, endures all things'
Love recognises the reality of the pain, bt beyond the pain love sees a victory and a is a creative force that can bring good out of evil,even redemptive power out of a cross,- love never faileth' ..charles allen.
Love- 'bears all things, believe all things, hopes all things, endures all things'
Love recognises the reality of the pain, bt beyond the pain love sees a victory and a is a creative force that can bring good out of evil,even redemptive power out of a cross,- love never faileth' ..charles allen.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Love is a very powerful emotion
It is often the most confused and controversial
Usually spoken of being blind;
Love answers and seldom questions
It is in the heart of the beholder
The DNA of His Awesome Wonder
It defines most of our actions and Inactions.
It makes us breathe; Jump; Shout; Sing; Hustle; Makes us want to lie down..Just makes us move.
It inspires; makes us perspire and never expires!
It lifts us up when we are down
It is always deep within when all else is gloom
Asking us to summon it constantly and consistently
For Love Is ALL There Is!
Love is the warmth in the Smile
Love is the crisp of the morning breeze
Love is the soothing of a comforting hug
Love is the melody of the bird perched next to your bedroom window
Love is the friendship we never want to loose
The kiss from a loved one.
Love is the contentment of a Peaceful heart
Love is the reaction of a prayer answered
Love is the serene of ocean waves;
The rays of the setting sun;
The snowballs in winter;
The Lion playing with her cubs;
The rain pouring from the heavens;
The tree that gives us the shade;
The song we dance ourselves loose;
The footprints we etch along the sandy beach;
It is the air that sweeps our face;
It is in the clothes we wear;
The red in the roses;
The Ham in the Burger;
It is The All In All!
God Is Love!
But why is Love not pronounced and announced everyday? Every time? At all moments?
Why is it so easy to see hurt? Pain? Jealousy? Anger? Envy? Ugliness? Yea, why do these come so easy for us? Why do they entangle us with such cheap effort? Exactly, Where Is The Love?
Thats the journey I wish we begin from here..
The Journey that Love Is All There Is.
The Journey Of everything Love.
Me and You.Love!
It starts with just one person
It starts with ME!
Care to Join?
Jazzkuria (c)
It is often the most confused and controversial
Usually spoken of being blind;
Love answers and seldom questions
It is in the heart of the beholder
The DNA of His Awesome Wonder
It defines most of our actions and Inactions.
It makes us breathe; Jump; Shout; Sing; Hustle; Makes us want to lie down..Just makes us move.
It inspires; makes us perspire and never expires!
It lifts us up when we are down
It is always deep within when all else is gloom
Asking us to summon it constantly and consistently
For Love Is ALL There Is!
Love is the warmth in the Smile
Love is the crisp of the morning breeze
Love is the soothing of a comforting hug
Love is the melody of the bird perched next to your bedroom window
Love is the friendship we never want to loose
The kiss from a loved one.
Love is the contentment of a Peaceful heart
Love is the reaction of a prayer answered
Love is the serene of ocean waves;
The rays of the setting sun;
The snowballs in winter;
The Lion playing with her cubs;
The rain pouring from the heavens;
The tree that gives us the shade;
The song we dance ourselves loose;
The footprints we etch along the sandy beach;
It is the air that sweeps our face;
It is in the clothes we wear;
The red in the roses;
The Ham in the Burger;
It is The All In All!
God Is Love!
But why is Love not pronounced and announced everyday? Every time? At all moments?
Why is it so easy to see hurt? Pain? Jealousy? Anger? Envy? Ugliness? Yea, why do these come so easy for us? Why do they entangle us with such cheap effort? Exactly, Where Is The Love?
Thats the journey I wish we begin from here..
The Journey that Love Is All There Is.
The Journey Of everything Love.
Me and You.Love!
It starts with just one person
It starts with ME!
Care to Join?
Jazzkuria (c)
Friday, January 30, 2009
My good friend,Gichingiri Kuria, says the “the mind is a terrible thing”
His paradoxical interpretation is obviously objectionable but i respect his perspective of our human psyche.I wont go to the extent of how abysmal or otherwise our minds can get but if there is anything I would tell my mind is.............
(Dear Jazz’s Mind...)
Never dwell on a thought that does not represent Who I Am.
Please never give flesh to the skeletal image of conformity
Never breathe life into the nostrils of subjectivity
Not even once make believe the captivity of negativity
To never limit its Potential! Especially this to never do Ever!!
I would beseech my mind to filter out representations of any manner that read mediocrity
Fight with all its might any contradicting thought of Who I Am at just its first sight
I would plead it to remain in a simple state of Faith
To constantly bring to itself meditations closely held within my spirit definations of True Me
That I am the Promise Of God
The evidence of His Love
Fearfully and Wonderfully made
The Head and not the tail
The Victor and Not the victim
That I can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthens me
The conceptualized idea of God’s brilliance
The Product of God’s supreme creativity
Yea, all these and more
I would beg for it to retain within its bank everything that is Hope , Love , Joy , Peace....
I would humbly recommend that it make exercise a daily habit..To Read! Read and Read some more!
I’d seek that it inquires for more Wisdom , Knowledge and Understanding
This should be its task; routine; commitment.....Its Purpose
But thats just me, I don’t know what it makes of all this!
Yours faithfully,
(C) jazzkuria
His paradoxical interpretation is obviously objectionable but i respect his perspective of our human psyche.I wont go to the extent of how abysmal or otherwise our minds can get but if there is anything I would tell my mind is.............
(Dear Jazz’s Mind...)
Never dwell on a thought that does not represent Who I Am.
Please never give flesh to the skeletal image of conformity
Never breathe life into the nostrils of subjectivity
Not even once make believe the captivity of negativity
To never limit its Potential! Especially this to never do Ever!!
I would beseech my mind to filter out representations of any manner that read mediocrity
Fight with all its might any contradicting thought of Who I Am at just its first sight
I would plead it to remain in a simple state of Faith
To constantly bring to itself meditations closely held within my spirit definations of True Me
That I am the Promise Of God
The evidence of His Love
Fearfully and Wonderfully made
The Head and not the tail
The Victor and Not the victim
That I can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthens me
The conceptualized idea of God’s brilliance
The Product of God’s supreme creativity
Yea, all these and more
I would beg for it to retain within its bank everything that is Hope , Love , Joy , Peace....
I would humbly recommend that it make exercise a daily habit..To Read! Read and Read some more!
I’d seek that it inquires for more Wisdom , Knowledge and Understanding
This should be its task; routine; commitment.....Its Purpose
But thats just me, I don’t know what it makes of all this!
Yours faithfully,
(C) jazzkuria

It vaguely starts with a subliminal longing
Slowly transforming itself into a cognisant
The request is subsequently sent; confidently premeditated on longevity
It beckons for Love.
Love, entwined with passion and freedom blossoms into the desired evidence of the heart.
Finally the need held by candid soul reveals itself into reality.
Only then do you realize that your Faith has met HIS Will....In Jesus Name
The manifestation of a prayer answered!
Or is It?
(c) jazzkuria
Friday, January 23, 2009
THE SEEKING ...Part 2!
Oh , this life of mine!
So its said we are who we are on the inside,Huh?
And the seeking continues...
What’s the soul’s horizon?
The extent of its vision?
The scope of its wisdom?
The breadth of its knowledge?
The bounty of itself?
How come it always understands the truth of me?
Well adept of my very concept
The inside me so to speak
The Intricate; Intrinsic; Opus; My Sonata, Generic that is Me
Yea, the highest thoughts of me are from my soul
How come , my body is always in conflict with the soul?
And why the conflict in the first place?
Why the eternal strict between these two of me?
What does the soul know that my mind can’t fully comprehend?
And the body is just as clueless to say the least?
If, plainly as possible, would its etchings on tablets say of me?
Would I be shocked beyond wonder that I know nothing of I?
Would I be surprised that I live that which is below of me?
Or would I pause at the magnificence of the essence that is Me?
Would I behold the awesomeness of the Divine when God breathed my being and I became life?
Would I shout? Collapse? Run beserk? Stand still? Be rendered speechless when I see the results of my doing(s) against that of my being?
Will I then deny or accept?
Will I share the same with my family? Friends? With You?
What’s to my soul?
Tell me, what does it mean to when its asked “who are you?”
D o I seek to say that which my mind has collectively put into my conscious what I have described myself with time or say that which my soul knows very well of myself?
Again, what is the answer when I ask who are you?
Do I then live short of my soul’s expectation?
Have I put a limit on my unlimitlessness?
Have I sought to DO than to BE?
Am I a human BEING living a life of a human DOING?
This soul of mine!
It’s bigger than I think!
The grand reservoir of all that is Faith, Hope, Desire, Joy, Sorrow, Love, Feeling...; Everything.
The mind is at its command, or otherwise. The body at the behest of the mind of that which the mind has received from the soul..or otherwise.
So who is boss over whom? Who rules? Who defines me? That is I..
My Soul? My Mind? My body?
Who speaks of my true self?
Oh this Life of mine!
(c) jazzkuria
So its said we are who we are on the inside,Huh?
And the seeking continues...
What’s the soul’s horizon?
The extent of its vision?
The scope of its wisdom?
The breadth of its knowledge?
The bounty of itself?
How come it always understands the truth of me?
Well adept of my very concept
The inside me so to speak
The Intricate; Intrinsic; Opus; My Sonata, Generic that is Me
Yea, the highest thoughts of me are from my soul
How come , my body is always in conflict with the soul?
And why the conflict in the first place?
Why the eternal strict between these two of me?
What does the soul know that my mind can’t fully comprehend?
And the body is just as clueless to say the least?
If, plainly as possible, would its etchings on tablets say of me?
Would I be shocked beyond wonder that I know nothing of I?
Would I be surprised that I live that which is below of me?
Or would I pause at the magnificence of the essence that is Me?
Would I behold the awesomeness of the Divine when God breathed my being and I became life?
Would I shout? Collapse? Run beserk? Stand still? Be rendered speechless when I see the results of my doing(s) against that of my being?
Will I then deny or accept?
Will I share the same with my family? Friends? With You?
What’s to my soul?
Tell me, what does it mean to when its asked “who are you?”
D o I seek to say that which my mind has collectively put into my conscious what I have described myself with time or say that which my soul knows very well of myself?
Again, what is the answer when I ask who are you?
Do I then live short of my soul’s expectation?
Have I put a limit on my unlimitlessness?
Have I sought to DO than to BE?
Am I a human BEING living a life of a human DOING?
This soul of mine!
It’s bigger than I think!
The grand reservoir of all that is Faith, Hope, Desire, Joy, Sorrow, Love, Feeling...; Everything.
The mind is at its command, or otherwise. The body at the behest of the mind of that which the mind has received from the soul..or otherwise.
So who is boss over whom? Who rules? Who defines me? That is I..
My Soul? My Mind? My body?
Who speaks of my true self?
Oh this Life of mine!
(c) jazzkuria
We seek to be
We seek for the deeper meaning
We seek to fight for the just cause
We seek The Light ;not to deny darkness (its just dark) but coz our own light is not as bright
We seek to work for a justified pay
We seek to love in earnest; Truthfully. No holds barred. No conditions. Just Love!
We seek to learn and lose the unwarranted ignorance
We seek to pray; not as an obligation but as a cherished communion with HIM whom we owe our existence
We seek to share; not as a duty but out of the abundance
We seek to speak openly if only to communicate our truth
We seek to remain healthy ; to look beautiful and not for impression’s sake but as a genuine expression of Who We Are.
We seek to be truly thankful from our hearts and make it a habit
We seek Peace; the serenity to just abide and not brew conflict when others opinions are not same as ours.
We seek Joy and not just for the bliss but as a deepest compliment of our sorrow.
We seek to radiate God’s Glory in everything and not the cheap alternative of the earthly fame for our ego
We seek to relate and not out of need but out of a deep sense to see our true selves reflecting from another
We seek to honestly own and not covet
We seek the freedom of being us and not confinement by living (experiencing) another’s truth which ofcourse was another’s truth and so on ...
We seek purity out of a heart’s will and not a body’s strength.
We seek to obey and not for obedience sake; ...mmmm actually , for obedience sake!
We seek to run and not faint;
We seek Courage and not Cowardice
Faith and not Fear
To Be and not just humdrum existence
We seek to seek then when we get we fail to notice then start to seek again
We win at times but for the larger part we doubt about it
And when we fail we fail to start seeking again until were sick of not seeking again
We seek in depths, in Highs, in the Narrows, in the Wide, Everywhere
We seek; if only someone; GOD, can help give us back to ourselves
This we seek But Few I do ..infact most cases I don’t.
And so I need JESUS.
For Perfection is Him and by Him and Through Him I can become
So I guess I answer myself that To Know God I Need To Be Out Of My Mind!
(c) jazzkuria
We seek for the deeper meaning
We seek to fight for the just cause
We seek The Light ;not to deny darkness (its just dark) but coz our own light is not as bright
We seek to work for a justified pay
We seek to love in earnest; Truthfully. No holds barred. No conditions. Just Love!
We seek to learn and lose the unwarranted ignorance
We seek to pray; not as an obligation but as a cherished communion with HIM whom we owe our existence
We seek to share; not as a duty but out of the abundance
We seek to speak openly if only to communicate our truth
We seek to remain healthy ; to look beautiful and not for impression’s sake but as a genuine expression of Who We Are.
We seek to be truly thankful from our hearts and make it a habit
We seek Peace; the serenity to just abide and not brew conflict when others opinions are not same as ours.
We seek Joy and not just for the bliss but as a deepest compliment of our sorrow.
We seek to radiate God’s Glory in everything and not the cheap alternative of the earthly fame for our ego
We seek to relate and not out of need but out of a deep sense to see our true selves reflecting from another
We seek to honestly own and not covet
We seek the freedom of being us and not confinement by living (experiencing) another’s truth which ofcourse was another’s truth and so on ...
We seek purity out of a heart’s will and not a body’s strength.
We seek to obey and not for obedience sake; ...mmmm actually , for obedience sake!
We seek to run and not faint;
We seek Courage and not Cowardice
Faith and not Fear
To Be and not just humdrum existence
We seek to seek then when we get we fail to notice then start to seek again
We win at times but for the larger part we doubt about it
And when we fail we fail to start seeking again until were sick of not seeking again
We seek in depths, in Highs, in the Narrows, in the Wide, Everywhere
We seek; if only someone; GOD, can help give us back to ourselves
This we seek But Few I do ..infact most cases I don’t.
And so I need JESUS.
For Perfection is Him and by Him and Through Him I can become
So I guess I answer myself that To Know God I Need To Be Out Of My Mind!
(c) jazzkuria
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