Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Be the voice!-a poem on sanctity.

(I lost the initial,original copy of this poem as i did not save it...i wrote this one ,much of it changed and different ,but still kept the theme..)

pleasurable pain.
with it the feign.
the chills and the nigglings
the soft whispers; the random hands
Uncharacteristic bellows ;in agony; in appeasement
they indulge
to purge of the scorn and scoff of their peers
to fulfill the media's petulant intimidation
as if to chastise the lies long held in their memory
a wish they keenly , hurriedly want realised
in the moment, sanctity is blemished
Destiny's demised.
in a minute, or two, or three, the love turns to curse
and then worse..

who cares for this dying generation?
who values those of its kindred?
Them who have no boundary to their limits
with a passion that knows one master.
ignorantly they jump,
hurriedly they bump,
and arrogantly they dump!
them who don't percieve
the doom behind the grief
Of a broken heart,
Of a dillusional society,
Of an orphaned child ,
Of an incubate dream,
Of a reality after the bliss ,
A disease without cure.

who shall light the path?
where's the city on a hill?
they seek the evading gold plated will
justifying their errant misdemeanors claiming its an achilles heel'
cease this modern day slavery
and unto this idiosyncrasy..
There's more to life than this!

who shall teach those of their ilk?
if only,curb the hazardous leak.
who shall rekindle the smouldering wick?
do we hide inside our impermeable fortress or open the knowledge floodgates?
do we let the graves posses their fate?
as we gossip and envy them in hate?
avoiding our responsibility in dubious haste?

I think not.
I will not.
I choose to be among the voices
I choose to let discipline triumph over desire
to seek and inquire
if only to inspire
learn and share
to all and sundry;anyone who gives a care..
consequences and lessons left to me to bear...
that there's more to life than these
for to life devious temptations
there's a God-laid foundation
an anchor's preservation
To always remind myself
to heed the voice
keep the voice
be the voice!



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