Tuesday, January 23, 2007


running, battling,
schemed mission
skewed vision
yellin' and incitin'
and in their delirium
their bosses shall lie
with laughter
scorn and mock
as they watch the fools go up in smoke
the zeal of fools
shall they run with tools
a mind diseased!
ignorance reeking from their nostrils
wisdom i'll pray they instill
these fools
but its that time of the year
the polluticians
hurriedly beckon in fear
of loosing their power
positions and dispositions
they've been dreaming and wielding
shall they turn to the fools
the youthful fools
to be their voice
by choice
as they sit and gloat
to their plans devout
wishing the fools will swing the votes
these crazy polluticians..
then shall they rejoice
grining from ear to ear
along with their peers
as they cast off the fools
some of whom shall die for this stupid cause
yet no remorse will they show
for the fools
the ignorant fools
the blinded fools...
whom they used and abused
when the dust settles
in early 2008!
this aint no debate..
i'm trying to propagate
so don't hate!
just relate..
and please ..
I beseech of you
Don't be a fool!



inspired by mwafrika @ the WaPI concert.

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