Thursday, January 4, 2007

Despise Not (Humble Beginnings)!

Despise Not The Days Of Your Humble Beginnings!
when time seemingly stand still
and your ambitions and dreams are yet to be unsealed
when your days are borne out of nights of misery
robbed of your precious smile and to your suprise
you find yourself discarded from the orbit of human sympathy
In all these,Still Dont Despise...
When the seesaw of life,unjustifiably,looks comfortable
having you on its trough
you've been thru it all and things could'nt be more tough
Just hang in there
There's a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow
God has you in His special care
and in His time He'll bring you out somehow
To the promise He's put in your heart all along
So hold on and be strong
Little by Little,He will guide you to your destiny
so be ye informed before you partake of your bounty!
Despise Not The Days Of Your Humble Beginnings!



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